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Everything posted by cfcmagpies

  1. cfcmagpies


    The way he described it I just had images of the Afghanis attacking the British column in the retreat to Jallalabad (as described by Flashman) for some reason.
  2. cfcmagpies


    Man City and Chelsea. Mackems out of obligation (but not being from the area I probably don't feel it the same way).
  3. cfcmagpies

    Soft spot?

    In England- Carlisle- like the place. Forest QPR (ex's uncle is a QPR fan and a nice bloke). Leeds Sheffield Wednesday Scotland- St Mirren France AS Nancy Lorraine- mother was born there, still got a bunch of family living around there and they're a great bunch of people. Italy Bunch of cheats. Australia
  4. Do they really eat that shit?
  5. But do you want him to play against City?
  6. cfcmagpies


    I was actually thinking about this this afternoon, I got it down to either, Age (only started following the game for last 2 seasons), attention seeking (negative attention better than none), WUM/Troll, or just plain old ignorant argumentative cunts. It's just confirmation bias, really- and an inability to change a mind. We all do it to a degree.
  7. cfcmagpies


    Yep. Frankly it should make the cunt's position untenable. Go on Fat Mike, think of the positive PR of firing the speccie dwarf.
  8. cfcmagpies


    Yep, practically forced poor old Ashley and Dekka into renaming the stadium and all.
  9. cfcmagpies


    Completely baffled by it all. Thought it was a wind up when I started reading it.
  10. http://memegenerator.net/cache/instances/400x/10/11074/11340364.jpg
  11. You can quite honestly go f*** off then you tosspot. I live and breathe for Newcastle you have never met me who are you to pass judgement on me. I cried for a solid two days when we were relegated, I pay ridiculous money so I can watch Newcastle play, I buy the merchandise and proudly wear it. So you've been to Villa Park and not St James' Park? Odd. When did I say that you bellend Relax my man. I don't see how you can criticise us for being angry about this renaming when you cried for two days over relegation. Relegation is a normal part of being a football fan, having your city's biggest icon renamed isn't so much. Anyway, as I said I wasn't trying to be patronising, I just think it's stupid to criticise people for expressing their genuine feelings. Relegation isn't part of the culture of Australian sport. We don't have it in any of the major sports and haven't since the NSL disbanded in 2004 and nobody gave a rats arse about the NSL. I think it is stupid to say someone who is from the city has a more valid opinion than someone not from the city. Come on man, trying to compare name changes for SFS and Homebush with St James' is equally stupid.
  12. Hate to say it, but... it'll be detrimental to the team. Gotta suck it up.
  13. Sorry, confused them with the Popular Front of Judea.
  14. The Sydney Opera House is a bit of a daft comparison, tbf. It doesn't have anywhere near the same personal feel to it for the average punter that St James' does. Having said that, I'm from Melborne so perhaps have a skewed perspective. But I sort of agree with you all on some points- the northern states in particular don't have the same feel for football (of whatever code) that Melbournians do. For example, the pies spiritual home is, and always has been, Victoria Park. There'd have been fucking riots if they tried to change that to Primus Park or whoever our major sponsor was back when we still played there. They did end up changing the name, but to "McHale Stadium" which was acceptable, as it honoured the greatest ever coach in our history. Unfortunately, I think Sydney Cove is right in one respect- other stadiums will sell off naming rights as much as you want to deny it. I don't like it, but there it is.
  15. And your initial post said something about transfers... has Llambias supposed son got it right or is that beyond the scope of your ITKage?
  16. Not entirely true, most of our football clubs are as old as any professional football club in England. Sydneysiders are a bit different, though. No offence sydneycove. I had a quick look and most I saw seemed to be founded around the 40s/50s? MCG which hosts the majority of the biggest games for the biggest sport in the country (AFL) has been around since 1854. And AFL clubs are just as old as other clubs. Football (actual football) is only the 3rd biggest sport down here (though closing in on second but it would take another 100 years for football to catch up with AFL which has the most impressive attendance figures per capita in the world) And they've never renamed the MCG. The AFL don't get to make that choice though do they. I think a better example might be Docklands and uhhh what is that stadiums name again (Etihad atm I think but it seems to change every few weeks). Docklands was a purpose built stadium that's all of twelve years old. Not the spiritual home to one of the most recognisable sporting clubs in the world. There is no history to Docklands, no tradition, no nothing. Well if the AFL won't change the name of the G, surely the MCC would? I mean if it's a corporate winner, surely? No, no they won't, because they have a bit of pride.
  17. At the moment. Will it be within 10 years. I highly doubt it. Its a stadium. In the same place it has been for 119 years. I don't care what it is called as long as the club keeps playing at the same place wearing the same black and white stripes in front of the same Geordies who made me fall in love with the club from the other side of the world with the players and fans showing the same passion for the club that makes the club special. And what if those black and white stripes go as well some day? If a company offered £20 million to redesign the club's home shirt in their colours would you gladly accept that? But that is a different kettle of fish to stadium naming rights. To answer the question no I wouldn't agree with that. Stadium naming rights however have been sold everywhere else in the world and proven to be a successful income for clubs. Again I will reiterate I am annoyed Sports Direct aren't paying money for this. I am not fussed the club are looking to sell naming rights for the stadium. But the poijt is where do you draw the line? Just because othe clubs have done it for money dosent suddenly mean the line in the sand disapears does it? Like someone said, will the black and white stipes being modified be enough for some? That line isnt there for you, fair enough, it is for me. For the 5th time in the last few pages: I WOULD NOT AGREE TO THE CLUB SELLING THE SHIRT DESIGN, CLUB NAME OR MOVING OUT OF NEWCASTLE FOR MONEY. Ok we all understand right? Do I need to put it in bigger letters? Stadium naming rights however is a successful business model practiced all over the world and all EPL and Championship clubs will be doing this in the next 10 years. Your missing the point. If Spurs modified their club colours for a comapny in return for money, and was labelled a succesful business model, would that then become acceptable? Just because of the money? The ground name, after all these years, is very much part of our identity to a lot of people, just like the colours. Its not to you, ok then fair enough, simple as that. Well considering it has worked for other clubs (ie Red Bull New York) and I am not championing the club to do that I am going to go with no here. But If Spurs did modify their club colours for a comapny in return for money, and was labelled a succesful business model, that can easily be classed as something which "worked" for Spurs. But it wouldnt "work" for me, just like changing the ground to Sports Direct Arena dosent work for me. for the 7th time. I would not be happy with or agree with the club changing the jersey, That is completely different to stadium naming rights. FFS people are acting like his moved the club to London. It's not so different to changing the colours. Not quite as bad (if he thought he could get away with it, the fat cunt would do it in a flash), but still incredibly crass. He's sussing out where the line is, walking right up to it and giving a big fuck you to United supporters.
  18. Not entirely true, most of our football clubs are as old as any professional football club in England. Sydneysiders are a bit different, though. No offence sydneycove. I had a quick look and most I saw seemed to be founded around the 40s/50s? MCG which hosts the majority of the biggest games for the biggest sport in the country (AFL) has been around since 1854. And AFL clubs are just as old as other clubs. Football (actual football) is only the 3rd biggest sport down here (though closing in on second but it would take another 100 years for football to catch up with AFL which has the most impressive attendance figures per capita in the world) And they've never renamed the MCG.
  19. Not entirely true, most of our football clubs are as old as any professional football club in England. Sydneysiders are a bit different, though. No offence sydneycove. I had a quick look and most I saw seemed to be founded around the 40s/50s? Sorry, was thinking of the big sports in oz- rugby league and Australian football. They're mostly late nineteenth / early twentieth century. (Association) football here just doesn't have the same support and wouldn't survive as a professional sport without Frank Lowy.
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