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Everything posted by cfcmagpies

  1. I've wondered that for a while.
  2. Ba was paying $51 for top premiership goalscorer at sportsbet. $14 for a place. Despite the ACON, pretty good odds I thought so loaded up the las 1.88 in my sportsbet account.
  3. Not true. Last year- perhaps. The Newcastle of 2011-12 doesn't lose those games.
  4. Does anybody know for sure if the game will be on Fox SPorts 1 viewer's choice tonight? Foxtel website only lists the Villa v WBA game, with golf as viewer's choice, while the aussie mags have said on facebook that it will be on... anyone better informed than me?
  5. cfcmagpies

    Alan Pardew

    Not in a million years. He would be the epitome of trolldad with that grin / smirk of his. Going out on the pickup with your Dad. Quality! You do realise that Pards would probably steal all your girlfriends? There are some things that should not be shared between Father and Son. My thoughts exactly. You'd be there as the wingman, and nothing more.
  6. cfcmagpies

    Alan Pardew

    Not in a million years. He would be the epitome of trolldad with that grin / smirk of his.
  7. cfcmagpies

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Definitely should play. He's shown no signs of nervousness, it'd be daft to hide him from that dirty bastard forever.
  8. Strangest odds I've seen on a football match: James Perch is paying only 1.50 to score any time against Wigan, is paying 3.20 to be the first goalscorer, and is paying 9.00 to score a hattrick. All at sportsbet. http://www.sportsbet.com.au/betting/soccer/united-kingdom/premier-league/Newcastle-v-Wigan-Athletic-95924.html WTF??
  9. I'm willing to give the club/Graham Carr the benefit of the doubt. Yep. In Carr we trust.
  10. Just you wait until the fucking Australians see this. Fuck them, pisshead convict twats. Bunch of sheep shaggers, the lot of them. Might as well be Welsh.
  11. And there was me thinking 'drooling' was pushing it with the ones i had heard of.........Kimberley Davies man ffs I'm guessing- that was the only Kimberley I could think of... FWIW he really could have helped himself by picking a more recent bit of Aussie clunge like Holly Valance or something not a list of meh from 10+ years ago True, would any of them be a day under forty?
  12. And there was me thinking 'drooling' was pushing it with the ones i had heard of.........Kimberley Davies man ffs I'm guessing- that was the only Kimberley I could think of...
  13. Very torn on this subject. Personally I feel no obligation to defend the A-League or Australian association football. They are shit (and fwiw, long may that continue). And it shames me to say that with the meek surrender of the Ashes on home soil, and the generally pitiful performance from the likes of Mitch Johnson, Ricky Ponting and various other bogans that represent our country, frankly we've lost any semblance of bragging rights as far as sport is concerned. Except hockey and netball, we're still awesome at that. However... to see my fellow countrymen being potted by a bunch of non-showering, pasty-skinned Englishmen who in all likelihood lack dental hygiene- I'll be honest, it jars the soul. Oh, and "Naomi" and "Kimberley" are Naomi Watts and Kimberley Davies.
  14. If England deserve a thread, Australia should have one. Maybe just one big combined World Soccer thread would be better?
  15. The spaghetti pig-out was the best episode, followed closely by Wunderpants.
  16. You guys got Round the Twist? That show was quality.
  17. Shite. Football in Austraila just doesn't work.
  18. I'll be in Melbourne for the Blackburn game. Just checked on Foxtel, the game will be available as viewer's choice. Any Melbourne based fans going to be watching somewhere in the city? RKO, Smudgers, any others?
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