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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Cheering every goal for Rafa’s new team st SJP would be something to see.
  2. Should just support the club he goes on to manage next tbh. One of the few men left with integrity in football.
  3. Someone dye his hair blond, quick!
  4. I fear that with the economy as it is, the fat cunt will always be picking up business from his SD tat. That’s not a slight on folk that shop there, btw, it’s just a sad indictment of the predicament we’re in.
  5. Fucking hell :lol: It’s like they made one of the academy boys do it, ‘Come on lads, best design goes up on the wall!’
  6. If I’m being brutally honest, literally the only thing that keeps me interested is this place. I could find it quite easy to switch off and support my local side - a team that values supporters - otherwise. This fat cunt is an absolute criminal for the way he’s stripped the club of its identity and killed it off. He might has well have killed me Nan to be honest.
  7. Hope that’s the case. Don’t miss those fuckers at all.
  8. These Liverpool kids look woefully out of their depth in this game. Terrible.
  9. Christ this is absolutely dire.
  10. Poor Hayden. All he wants to do is go back to planet soft cock, but he has had his sentence extended in the disgusting wastelands of the North East.
  11. Fucking hell, Ian Harte-attack waiting to happen. Piled on the pounds. And MO...horrible cunt. Wouldn’t be said to see his face broken.
  12. Brilliant from Newport. Played a fantastic game.
  13. Fucking numbskull co-commentators. Since when did Claude Puel become Claude Poo-yal. You’re a fucking former professional footballer working in the media you thick cunt. Get it right.
  14. Without investment, we’re going down. No doubt whatsoever.
  15. Liverpool would be absolutely fucked if VdV was out for any length of time. He’s been colossal.
  16. This. How many other takeovers do we know of that are broadcast as publicly (and timely in the case of this fat cunt) as our supposed takeover.
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