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Everything posted by toon25

  1. He looks like he’s running through treacle, Ashley Barnes. And what a shite game this is.
  2. Cracking shot to hit that fucking bellend with a bottle from the stands, like.
  3. Their players are good enough for this to work out in the short term. The black cloud that abhorrent cunt has gone and the players will feel as though they can play with more freedom.
  4. Draw if we’re lucky. Can see the players shitting themselves under pressure.
  5. toon25

    José Mourinho

    £18m. No wonder he was smiling on his way out of his sordid little grief hole
  6. toon25

    José Mourinho

    How much have they had to pay him?
  7. toon25


    I feel like that series is all you need to know about what lower league football used to be. That’s the only football documentary I can think of that is warts and all sort of stuff. Fucking brilliant. The recent ones - especially that City shite - is pure propaganda.
  8. toon25

    José Mourinho

    That Sanchez transfer was a complete waste.
  9. toon25


    One thing that’s also noticeable from watching that is that those keepers they had were fucking woeful.
  10. toon25

    Ki Sung-gone

    Best not be Hayden like. He’s a fucking hider and a liability.
  11. Going really well for Terrence Henry. 3-0 down to Lyon. He’ll be gone by the end of the season I reckon.
  12. toon25


    Enjoyed the old Sunderland documentary with Peeta Reyd far more than this. Martin Bain comes across as a right billy big bollocks.
  13. Arsenal have been absolutely awful.
  14. Never been convinced that Iwobi is anything but mediocre.
  15. toon25


    He’s never going to get a move to a top side if he plays like he has been lately. Fucking shite.
  16. We’ve got a decent cushion from 18th place now. I’m still fucking fuming about that Wolves result.
  17. Aye. Was fucking disgusting. Am still pissed if a week later.
  18. VAR will at least make some of these incompetent cunts accountable. Mike Dean should never be refereeing at this level. Have never seen him ref a game well.
  19. Mike Dean should be in the fucking celebrity jungle. Typical centre of attention ref. Cunt.
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