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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Lack so much mettle in midfield. When we came up last time we at least Tiote.
  2. Merino the only footballer in this side, like. Gayle/Perez partnership totally ineffectual as expected.
  3. Would like to see Joselu at some point today. Perez/Gayle partnership has yet to impress.
  4. I do like Silva as a manager. He'll do well for Watford.
  5. The fact he's not being supported is absolutely criminal. Ashley should be backing Rafa to the hilt.
  6. Christ, forgot he managed us. Puts into perspective how fucking lucky we are to have Rafa.
  7. Can Manquillo play on the left? He's looked decent so far on the right.
  8. Urgh. Hope not. It's early days tbf and it takes a while for the league to sort itself out.
  9. Relief that it wasn't more serious. This guy looks ace.
  10. Would agree that Diame, although underperformed, was clearly a great buy for us at the time.
  11. I'm really pleased with this tbh. The more I hear from Stoke fans, the more I'm optimistic. As folk have said, £5 million is absolutely fuck all.
  12. Doesnt bother me its like dipping ice cream in the toilet. They'll still be shit.
  13. I can't see who's going to want any of that lot sadly. They're all fucking crap.
  14. Buoyed by the Stoke fans' comments. Pleased to see more incomings too after the last few days.
  15. Totally undermined the team and the manager. Awful cunt. There was absolutely no need.
  16. I fucking hate this lot. They'll have their tails up, and Rafa is going to have to get us clicking going forward. Can't see anything other than a loss sadly.
  17. We've got nobody else to create, unless Merino is now going to take his place. Stupid cunt that he is, we're a better team with him in it given that Rafa isn't going to be given funds to replace him. Honestly, what a fucking joke.
  18. We've barely tried to compete. Comes from the top down. With the fucking owner publically admitting it himself, what sort of message is that bound to send to the squad. Compare this shower with Burnley's efforts yesterday. Disciplined and in no way intimidated by the opposition.
  19. It was brainless to challenge like that in front of the ref - although Alli is a right little fucking whinging cunt.
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