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Everything posted by toon25

  1. The man is a genius. What he’s able to get from this squad is nothing short of a miracle.
  2. Fucking Shane Long bound to score. Loves playing against us, the little shit.
  3. Have missed going into games knowing you've got nee fucking chance of winning. As long as we 'give it a good go'.
  4. They really lack pace throughout the side.
  5. What is the point in Iwobi? He's absolutely shit.
  6. A £50 million player in today's market. Superb from start to finish and still so much time to improve.
  7. Wagner is an absolute wanker. Hope he takes his rugby town side down.
  8. Absolutely. I've always thought that we do better against better sides too. We just rise to the occasion rather than when we're expected to win.
  9. Trust this man implicitly. We look super organised for the first time in fucking years.
  10. Really like him. A great option for us and will only get better with regular football. He was keen to make an impression today and snatched at his chances, but he wants to be here, and gets in good positions.
  11. Another beautiful moment akin to Colo booting out Crouch's teeth would be lovely here.
  12. Play that on the fucking big screen. This fat cunt had absolutely ruined us as a competitive club.
  13. What a fucking shit cunt this bloke is.
  14. Convenient this wk has fallen during an international break. Another chance for the animosity to die down.
  15. New flag for the next home game ? Absolutely stick that on a banner.
  16. Sakho is surely worth a punt if he wants out of West Ham?
  17. They've used the money from Gray's sale sensibly imo.
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