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Everything posted by toon25

  1. James Morrison at 65K. Surprised at Forster earning 90k at Southampton.
  2. Gives some perspective, I suppose, and I'm one if the bed wetters. Shame we've not been convincing recently.
  3. Wood is a great striker at this level.
  4. Need Gayle back. Made a massive difference having Diame up top today.
  5. Shame complaints about ref performances tend to achieve the grand sum of fuck all. Right joker, this guy.
  6. He should be irrelevant to us tomorrow. It's all about Rafa and the team. I don't disagree fwiw.
  7. I'd be delighted if that incompetent cunt McLaren got a load of stick. Totally and utterly out of his depth here and did a great job of helping to send us down. The fucking cunt.
  8. Tonight's attendance is 13,037, of which over 2,000 are Wednesday fans. They're a fucking joke. Christ. Wish they'd just fold tbh. Stick to rugby. A complete flat pack club if ever there was one.
  9. It's always going to be a false dawn whilst Ashley is still here. Carr can get to fuck too, mind. Fucking sycophant.
  10. We're truly fucked if he goes. Total boycott is needed. Even the best manager we've had in decades isn't enough to make that utter fat cunt change his ways. Fucking prick.
  11. It doesn't matter a hot if we go up or stay down whilst that fat cunt is still running the show. It's the same fucking story time after time and time. Nothing is going to change regardless of the manager.
  12. We're a much better side away from home imo
  13. Give over, man. It's a slender difference with some tougher games coming up than fucking QPR. Teams around us on a real run and we can barely string two passes together. Folk have every reason to panic.
  14. Dummett always looks like various shades of shite. Tonight was no different.
  15. The whole situation was in our hands and we threw it away. Lost some silly games along the way too. Getting beat off fucking Blackburn twice was a massive turning point. Wankers.
  16. In all honesty, even if we were to go up there's absolutely no chance we'll get the requisite backing to ensure we stay there. Ashley needs to go if we've any chance of re-establishing ourselves as a reasonable top flight side. This recent shit show of a transfer window has shown, with a decent manager or not, we're a million miles away from getting anywhere near resembling a competitive side.
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