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Everything posted by toon25

  1. This. Complete cowards this team. They downed tools after the Huddersfield game seemingly thinking job was done. They can't handle pressure so all we're doing is making it easier for Huddersfield. Manager isn't helping tbh, didn't have to change the team that much. Agreed. Particularly given the performance that was put in second half against Leeds.
  2. This. Complete cowards this team. They downed tools after the Huddersfield game seemingly thinking job was done. They can't handle pressure so all we're doing is making it easier for Huddersfield.
  3. Compare this performance to the Brighton game. No nerves and they're giving it a good go.
  4. No fucking consistency in this team at all. Not a chance we'd pick up where we left off on Friday. Diame has been such a disappointment this season. Expected much more from him.
  5. Who are their danger men? They've always been a 'meh' team to me, Ipswich. Nothing remarkable or interesting about them at all.
  6. Huddersfield won't lose 2 games in a row. We just have to keep plodding along and scraping points together. Fuck results elsewhere.
  7. Not one of our strikers, with the exception of Gayle, is good enough for the PL.
  8. Yeah this is my issue as well. We average 2 goals a game across the season so this drop has been concerning. we get one then go all nervous, it's end of season pressure they are bringing on themselves, we are a big club and i feel the players know we all want this and go into survival mode, its just human instinct at times. Lose top goalscorer and main threat at the same time as losing best defender. Recipe for nerves right there. Hayden returning is my only hope as we shouldn't see much of Colback, hopefully ever again. Reckon he will start tonight sadly, 2 games in 3 days maybe too much for Hayden sadly. Well if he does then you have to start seriously questioning the managers decision making enough is enough. Jesus titty Christ. So you think playing Colback is a smart move do you - I don't think he will but if he does that certainly does deserve to be questioned. I don't think any poster thinks it's smart but if Hayden isn't fit enough we don't have many alternatives. If Rafa would have been backed in January this wouldn't have been an issue. I totally agree on the second point but any formation without a Colback is better than one with him in the team. As I said I think Hayden will play so the point will be mute. I don't agree there's no alternative to Colback myself mind. I'm firmly of the opinion he has such a negative impact on the team as a whole that having anyone in there would be preferable. It goes beyond his physical limitations and awful fouls etc. and fucks the entire shape and style we play. That said Rafa knows a lot more than me about football. Agree with this. He's wholly detrimental to the team and certainly doesn't inspire those around him with confidence. The cunt has actually lost us points on his own this season.
  9. We need shooting with copious amounts of shit if we contrive to fuck this up.
  10. Just replay the goals they concede when they lose in the first round of the play offs. Twats.
  11. Adams can barely speak English, so god knows what his Spanish will be like. 'Score per favor'
  12. Who the hell thought Tony Adams was evenly remotely qualified to manage a team in a relegation battle
  13. The next two games for Huddersfield will be tricky. I fancy Derby and Fulham to give them a game.
  14. We're not winning this league, like. We're not good enough and have dropped far too many points. But that's not the objective. We need to get ourselves promoted and then it's job done.
  15. It's still on our hands. If we contrive to fuck it up we deserve to stay in this shithole division.
  16. Awful, balding, shit cunt deserves to be playing for championship fodder like this lot. The 9 games we've lost is absolutely not good enough to be winning the league.
  17. You'd have thought we'd have learned a lesson having been beaten by these at Christmas.. We've not deserved to win this league, at all.
  18. Dominated by Steven fucking Fletcher, man. Going to be a right laugh next season against Kane and Costa.
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