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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Aye. Something we seriously lack in the current side. Which is why I think momentum for us is absolutely crucial. It's no coincidence that after any sort of break in the fixtures - international weekends or otherwise - we always seem to lose a bit of spark and need to pick it up again over the next 2/3 games.
  2. Hope that second half performance will give us confidence. Our lot look shit scared to play atm.
  3. It's tota in our hands atm. As long as Rafa has them preparing with this in mind we should be ok. If we don't go up from this position then we don't deserve to, frankly.
  4. toon25

    Isaac Hayden

    Bollocks. Just caught up with this. Guess Ashley's January gamble hasn't paid off then. Who'd have thought?
  5. We knew in all likelihood Huddersfield would win tonight. Rotherham are absolutely shit. Not worried about Reading. They're the best of the rest of the shit in this league. Nothing players.
  6. Must beat those fucking pretenders Huddersfield. Another Wigan.
  7. Can't understand why no Diame. Think he's the type of player we need away from home.
  8. Aye. Would send a big message out to Brighton and huddersfield.
  9. I absolutely hate these. Will be a very tough game, I reckon. Not looking forward to it at all.
  10. That Huddersfield lot make me laugh. A half empty stadium for years and now they're all flocking back thinking they're the next big thing. Fuck off. Hate Leeds, I might, but at least they've packed out they're stadium for years whilst they've been shit.
  11. I love Rafa, but I still don't understand why he starts Colback time and again. Perhaps it's a case of having a lack of options, but that ginger tosser continues to be a fucking liability.
  12. With us playing Brighton, Huddersfield and Nothing away, it's very much in our hands. Rafa will have us prepared.
  13. Couldn't think of many managers less suited to Arsenal than wor Rafa.
  14. Spot on. I can't remember the last time we were on tele and we've had a pro-NUFC commentator.
  15. Goodman is an absolute cunt, man. Also a fucking shite footballer.
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