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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Surprised Luiz went back to Chelsea tbh.
  2. Colback isn't hard working at all. He's a lazy coward who deliberately hides so he doesn't receive the ball.
  3. Am actually keen to see what Murphy can do now, despite my initial criticism of the signing.
  4. When one puts into context that we've made a profit of £30 odd million and Villa have spent £60 odd million and haven't vastly improved their squad I think it's incredible business.
  5. This. Been a superb window in which we've done our business with minimum fuss despite the number of players going out. Delighted to see the back of some of the shit, and delighted that they've been replaced by players that actually give a fuck. I don't think we've come out of the window looking any worse whatsoever. Would like to have seen another ball playing midfielder come in. Will be very interesting to see what Rafa does with Tiote now he's staying.
  6. And made a profit of £30m+ i think it is It makes a difference when you are not trying to flog the player in every interview and appearing desperate. Much better to take the position of refusing to sell because you want the player to stay. Yep.
  7. What a guy. Pardew would have been happy to tout Sissoko round for half the price. Rafa has played this whole scenario very well indeed. He's rebuilt the squad without much fuss imo.
  8. I think he'll go for £20m.
  9. toon25


    This fat cunt is absolutely loving the lime light, isn't he? Fat fucker thinks he's made it. He's made a career out of being an utter bellend because he believed everyone was against him. Will be interesting to see how he does now he feels he doesn't have a point to prove.
  10. I sometimes think of where we'd be if Fat Fred sold up to decent owner/group.
  11. toon25

    Daryl Murphy

    Feeling more positive about this after yesterday. He needs service, so another decent option on the wing is a must.
  12. Aye. The guy doesn't have a fucking clue.
  13. Wish we'd signed him years ago.
  14. All the officials' fault. Mark Hughes said so. He's such a bitter cunt. Never got over Fabregas telling him his football was shit after that FA Cup game. Always shifting the blame.
  15. Yedlin came on on the wing today. Albeit, for only a few minutes. Makes sense. We've got better options at fullback than we have on both wings at the moment. Looking forward to seeing what he and Lazaar can do.
  16. Love this guy. Also refreshing to see a player in a Newcastle shirt give a fuck about playing for the club.
  17. I'll be surprised if we don't see this guy and DeYedlin on the wing at some point this season.
  18. toon25

    Daryl Murphy

    The need for another winger is clear then.
  19. toon25

    Daryl Murphy

    We have never needed to buy more than 1 striker, we have always had enough in terms of numbers just the quality. We have swapped the likes of Cisse for Gayle and Doumbia for this guy. People need to get their heads out of theirs arses a bit. What nonsense. I hate this type of attitude. So folk are not allowed to criticise? Anyway, of course we needed to buy more than one striker. The very case being this afternoon. Both Mitro and Gayle injured and, of those two, only one has shown they can score goals at this level. Listen, if he proves doubters wrong, brilliant. But on face value this seems, at best, like a panic buy. Plenty of other options out there that could have provided much better squad depth.
  20. toon25

    Daryl Murphy

    So this is it? It's embarrassing tbh. And before folk start labelling those that think this is anything other than a shit signing 'knuckleheads', try putting it in context. We've needed to sign more than 1 striker all summer and the best we can muster is a last minute bid for a Championship clogger. It's bollocks.
  21. It'll be a lazy, pointless, signing in if it comes off. Stump up some serious money and bring in someone that could make the step up. Assombalonga, Forestieri, Rhodes, etc.
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