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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Would be close to Kuqi levels of disappointment if we sign that lump.
  2. Learn to pass the ball forward and keep your fucking hands off other players you useless sack of shit, because unfortunately no other cunt has been stupid enough to bid for you and we're likely stuck with you for the rest of the season.
  3. Fulham bringing in some decent players. Think they might well be the dark horses this season.
  4. Assombalonga would be a great buy. Would certainly make the step up to the Premier League and would make a real statement if we were to stick in a big money bid. Murphy can fuck off.
  5. Wouldn't recognise him if he chatted iz up in Powerhouse. 5/7.
  6. Should be in there if Wham are selling, but can't see it. They need all the strikers they can get atm. So much for your international player Tony, you fucknugget.
  7. Hasn't he just moved to China? Don't know if this is a good signing for them or not.
  8. Got to say we have to have faith in Rafa but I am left a little bit puzzled by some of the signings and some of the players he has/is shipping out. Prime example is Krul who is a far superior keeper than Sels and yet we appear to be loaning Krul out and paying over 4 million for Sels - just doesn't make sense. This. Unless Krul has said he doesn't want another year in the Championship and that he's looking to go?
  9. Just got back from the game. Agree with midds entirely. We looked ok once the second goal went in, but typically nervous beforehand. We look scared to lose sometimes. I can't fathom why Rafa is so blind to Colback's deficiencies. An appalling footballer. Lost possession countless times and, when one would think he would have a bit of courage to take the game on given the opposition, simply passed the ball backwards and sideways. So frustrating.
  10. This squad is nowhere near deep enough in terms of quality yet, man.
  11. We're piss weak in the middle here. Really need some steel and calmness. Jedinak would have been an excellent signing.
  12. Sorry, like, but I don't get these pointless loans we seem to be so keen on atm. Can we afford to lose the bodies? Can't understand why they've let Mbabu go. Surely he's better off with us?
  13. Disappointed if this is it. We've got rivals being linked with, and signing, decent Premiership midfielders and we're bringing in a Championship plodder to boost numbers and seemingly getting rid of players like De Jong who could've made an impact down here.
  14. What an utter fucking gobshite. As bad as the porn barons at Wham.
  15. Still though...nice to see the sentiment is there. Compare that to Sissoko, or indeed some of the other mercenary cunts wearing the shirt in recent years.
  16. Would be surprised if he came back tbh.
  17. Hopefully. There's also no way Balotelli is going to be arsed in the Championship either. Think he'd be a shite signing.
  18. I reckon we'll let him go on loan, play a bit, boost his asking price, then get rid. Can't see him coming back at all. If Rafa's concerned about the lack of physicality, I wonder what he's telling Perez in training?
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