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Everything posted by toon25

  1. A victory which again papers over the ever widening cracks. Pleased to be through, like, but some of the 'football' we played tonight was absolute horse shite.
  2. We've been on the decline for so fucking long. Our players look totally shot of confidence.
  3. We're going out tomorrow, like.
  4. Which is precisely what every single person who doesn't support one of those clubs in this country wants to see happen. I hope they all fall spectacularly on their arses, the horrible pampered bunch of w*****s. All of them. This, love it when 'best league in the world' teams are shown up by fancy foreigners on a smaller budget It's almost as if the tv networks don't understand why fans of the clubs who are not in the CL places year after year would want to see those that are fall on their arses. They think we're all at home rooting for them as representatives of our league or some nonsense. I bet that's what that wanker Scudamore thinks, anyway. Why on earth would we want to see clubs in our league do well and milk even more money from the golden tit of the CL, just to make the gap between us and them even bigger? Bang on, as per. Irritating as fuck to tune in to ITV's CL coverage and hear those cunts Townsend and Tyldesley tell me that the hopes of a nation rest on the shoulders of Man U/Chelsea. Fuck off.
  5. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    He was a defeatist cunt at the end of May, still a defeatist cunt now. Big mistake not shifting him on - JFK's appointment certainly took some heat off him at the time.
  6. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    We need additional players through the door, but fuck me I'd be so much more confident if we had someone in charge who could get the best out of what we've got. Fucking defeatist cunt.
  7. toon25

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    I'd let him go if I had any faith whatsoever in the money being reinvested. As things stand, Arsenal can fuck off and Cabaye can get the fuck on with what he's paid to do.
  8. toon25

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    Do as the Dippers have done re: Suarez. They can have him for the going rate.
  9. I really find it odd that Pardew is so popular with the players given the shitmhenhas the, serving up on a regular basis.
  10. Jonas, ffs. Only a complete fucking moron would think he has anything to offer the team in an offensive role.
  11. Didn't realise he was 29. Time flies.
  12. toon25

    Loïc Remy

    Just heard the news, was wondering whether it was mentioned anywhere or whether QPR were hoping to have him back if they come back up.
  13. Top post. Couldn't agree more.
  14. What's happened to that cunt Lawro then? Would love to see him emptying my bins.
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