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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Joe fucking Kinnear man. Joe fucking Kinnear. I'm done. I'm really done with this shit.
  2. He's not going to be 'working in the background' is he? The old cunt. He'll be manager before the end of the season.
  3. That's bullshit. Don't believe that for a second, not after they gave Carr such a long deal last year.
  4. Horrible, I know, but surely another heart scare would see the cunt off? Anyone that spots him, make sure to approach him calmly and shout 'BANG' really loudly in his left ear. If he collapses on the spot, give it good minute or two before dialling 999.
  5. What guff. Kinnear is a classless buffoon that made us a laughing stock. He's also been out of football for years. There's no sugar coating to this bitter, bitter pill, I'm afraid, even for those eternal optimists out there. If truth be told, Ashley doesn't even know what a DoF is - see Wise's appointment. This shit is just an opportunity for him to bring another of his mates on board. Sadly, it's also a mate that'll fill in nicely when Pardew does get the boot. Fuck me, man. Imagine being managed by JFK again.
  6. Then they can all fuck right off as far as I'm concerned. Back to grass roots for me.
  7. Yep. I'm done too. Fuck this shit.
  8. Have those dodgy porn barons at West Ham really offered Carroll 100k week?
  9. toon25

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    Bang on. I expected we'd lose a 'purple' or two when Ashley and co decided to stick with Pardew, the useless cunt.
  10. toon25

    Craig Bellamy

    How many aimless chipped through balls in that time? completely forgot about those. You could literally see us routinely conceding goals by virtue of him being on the pitch. Crazy that he played so much. Hated Butt with a passion, largely because he was Speed's replacement who, coincidentally, continued to perform well for Bolton whilst the other balding twat was fucking around here trying to play Hollywood balls and aimless overhead clearances from mid-way inside his own half.
  11. That's a very nice shirt, that. Sponsor is a little to high at the chest for my liking though.
  12. toon25

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    Said this in the Pardew thread, but really wouldn't blame any of our 'football' players if they moved to better, footballing, sides. Am sure that a bit of ambition shown by the board would likely have changed a few opinions, but deciding to stick with Pardew will have sent a clear message to some players.
  13. Was fantastic. Puts some of the magazine shows we have today to shame. James Richardson was a fucking brilliant football journalist as well. Honestly, if any foreign league wants to bring in more overseas supporters, get producing a programme like Gazetta.
  14. toon25

    Graeme Souness

    Aye. Bet the cunt couldn't believe his luck when he was offered this job before being given the boot at Blackburn. Speaks volumes that no other club has employed him since. To think we paid compensation for the fucker.
  15. toon25

    José Mourinho

    Nope. Can't stand him. Ronaldo had it right when he called him an anti-football merchant and a cheat.
  16. In recent years there's been a huge difference in the quality of shirts produced for the bigger teams and 'the rest', as it were. It seemed to start when the big brands - Nike, Adidas, Puma, etc started to make kits for sides in the lower leagues. When I was a young'un I barely recognised half the kit manufacturers for Championship and League 1 and 2 sides.
  17. toon25

    Craig Bellamy

    He was a bit Owen-esque when it came to Wales as well. Top player though and him and Shearer was the perfect match up in its prime. He was defo the sort of guy that could get under your skin/wind you up. His soccer school in Africa at least shows that there was a decent bloke somewhere in the mix though.
  18. hopefully one day soon Royston Keane will have an outburst. I would dearly, dearly love to see that Townsend cunt decked live on TV.
  19. Yup. It also shows what utter bollocks this Financial Fair Play rule is. When does this come into force btw?
  20. Aye. Poor Jurgen. Started off just wanting to see a good game but as the match went on I desperately wanted Dortmund to do it. Robben is an absolute mega-cunt. Good player though.
  21. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    And have owners with vision/ambition. Is not all about the quality of the squad or manager, sadly, as this shit storm ably demonstrates.
  22. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    After this season, I'd be happy with 10th and a good cup run tbh, but I'd want to be fucking entertained and feel confident that we were going in the right direction. Won't happen with this twat in charge. So you'd be happy with the minimum the board have set forth as a target in terms of league position. We can't know about the football until the season starts and for what it's worth I don't believe we'll be playing decent stuff. It'll likely be hoofball again but that won't have anything to do with the board. Nor do I, mate, sadly. I'm just saying mid-table mediocrity is far more preferable than a relegation battle. Would dearly love us to challenge for Europe again, but lets face it, the decision MA and DL have taken over Pardew is indicative of the level of expectations/ambition for this club. I can't hope for more than top ten tbh.
  23. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    After this season, I'd be happy with 10th and a good cup run tbh, but I'd want to be fucking entertained and feel confident that we were going in the right direction. Won't happen with this twat in charge.
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