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Everything posted by toon25

  1. toon25

    Loïc Remy

    Can only imagine that a permanent move would be contingent on the outcome of his court case. Either way, can't see QPR accepting that.
  2. toon25

    Papiss Cissé

    No fucking way could I see the club do this. It's bonkers. Stinks of press shit stirring to me, fucking wankers.
  3. Showed some ambition, punched above their weight and it paid off. Fair play to them. Oh, aye, not doubting that. Just seeing one your least favourite clubs (lived there for a while - wanky fans) taking steps to progress whilst we appoint Joe fucking Kinnear is enough to boil your piss. Why did Fer not move to Everton btw? Was it something to do with a failed medical?
  4. Fuck off Couldn't have put it better.
  5. Aye. Enjoy your holiday Joe. Make the most of the free grub and the full English. Oh, and don't forget to wash it all down with a few pints. You fucking piss kidney.
  6. http://www.theposh.com/cms_images/news/dwight-gayle-player-of-month-4-3119-589512_478x359.jpg Looks class. Was in my brother's year at school. Was a cunt.
  7. http://i44.tinypic.com/34rzyo6.png Marvellous Undoubtedly Taylor's best, that.
  8. If he goes to fucking Swansea i'll be furious. Swansea are miles ahead of us in terms of vision and ambition, sadly. A very well-run club.
  9. The more people think nothing can be done, the less likely it is that something will actually be done. Don't give up before the battle has even begun. Nothing changes if nothing changes.
  10. They will now the villain is Joe Kinnear. Although they love him from a sensationalistic point of view...they're all too happy to fuck him over. He took on the press and people rarely win that battle. Yep. Particularly when they've proven themselves to be complete and utter fuckwits. Hope to fuck that an interviewer picks him up on some of the bullshit before long. The thing is, JFK doesn't strike me as the type of chap to walk out when being grilled. He digs his hole even deeper.
  11. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Bang on. What I would also add that if he stays, a fall out with that senile cunt Kinnear is without question only a matter of time. JFK is clearly not someone that's going to be working away quietly in the background. Every fucking chance he gets he'll be in front of the CA,eras. Bet your bottom dollar he'll be wanting to do the pre-match conferences with Pardew.
  12. He isn't exactly very specific about Joe's knowledge of the game. Being knowledgeable about lower leagues or 1980's football doesn't really mean much. Still, at least Arsene Wenger's apparently still taking his calls. I doubt he'd call Pardew unless he wanted his windows cleaned. So much gold in this thread.
  13. Mourinho might add "that will work for free?"
  14. It's like I posted earlier in this thread, Ashley has sucked all the life and dignity out of this club. It's no longer the NUFC that I fell in love with.
  15. There's a certain inevitability about this situation. It's not going to end well, is it?
  16. Couldn't listen to that. Fuck me what a senile fool.
  17. I dreamt last night all my teeth fell out. In comparison to this shit, that now seems rather mild.
  18. It's what this appointment represents that 's so disheartening. I've been more patient with Ashley than I should have been over the years he's been here. I've watched him shamelessly tear apart the club that I love, plaster his cheap tacky shitty brand over what was once a stadium to be proud if. I've stood by whilst he besmirched the reputation of a childhood hero and shit carelessly on the history of the club by renaming SJP. Again, I stood idle whilst he watches devoted fans plaster their children in shirts carrying the logo of one of the most vile, objectionable, companies that could possibly have been chosen to sponsor our once great club. Not any more. This farce of an appointment is the last straw for me. It shows that this fat cunt cares not a jot for the fans that line his pockets, nor for the future or direction of the club. What he has somehow managed to achieve (promotion/finishing 5th) appears increasingly more like it was luck more than judgement. How can a club with ambition seriously promote Joe fucking Kinnear to handle such important matters as playing style and player recruitment? A senile, clueless, dinosaur and a cunt to boot. Now, I'm not from Newcastle, but since becoming a supporter in 1996 I've grown to love this club dearly. It's part my life, my family, it's my hobby, my source of enjoyment. The thing is, it's times like this that make one realise that, it's not actually the club I fell in love with any more. Football changes, we know that, but we've become a shadow of what we once promised to be. We've become a club that's had its very soul ripped out, something a long time ago. I've had enough, to be honest. For so long it's been hard to tear myself away, to convince myself that everything that's happened has been done for the greater good, the future. I can't continue to delude myself anymore, I'm afraid. Whilst my club continues to be owned by Mike Ashley, it's not my club. It's his. To do with as he wishes at the behest of those that have devoted so many years to supporting Newcastle United. Yes, this may be an overreaction, but this fat bastard has continued (and will continue) to shit upon fans from a very great height. He doesn't care. Why, then, should I? This is not, and will not ever be, the NUFC that I loved. It's cheap and tacky, classless.
  19. Couldn't put it better myself.
  20. If he's going to be wiping Llambias' arse or whatever nonsense he's doing it just proves that Ashley has no fucking clue about what a DoF should be. It's just a title so he can give a mate a remotely meaningful position. Does anyone have any examples in which a DoF has proved a workable system in this country? All they seem to do is piss off managers and undermine their decisions.
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