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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Tis only a friendly. Will hopefully reinforce the need for a body or two to add depth.
  2. Who's in for him out of interest?
  3. Guthrie is better than Allen imo, and they could have got him for nothing. Too cheap for them, though.
  4. I'd heed heavy caution against that, lifting weights while we make him stronger at the same time could see him lose the agility which is one of the bright spots in his game atm. Take Cristiano Ronaldo for example and compare him to when he joined Man Yoo to now his agility and ability to move in tight spaces is non existent now. There's a definite balance to be had when trying to beef up, you want him to get stronger but you don't want anything to be taken away from his current game. Anyway i like what i have seen so far i think he could play in a midfield 3, outwide in 4-4-2 or one of the attacking midfield roles in 4-2-3-1. Agreed. He has alot of effort into cultivating a chiselled physique which is more suited to advertising campaigns for undergarment companies. Footballer by trade, part-time model. Fair play to him though. The earnings window for footballers is a limited one. He's found his niche in a market, outside of football, and he's laughing all the way to the bank. But as you say though, one aspect of his game has suffered as a result. He's added quite a bit of bulk, to what was a wirey frame. One could argue, as you're alluding to, that C.Ronaldo has gone beyond just improving his basic core strength (which is beneficial in any sport), and his agility & slipperyness (in tight spaces) has been affected. The difference with Ronaldo is that he's so fucking quick that losing a bit of agility hasn't actually affected his game in an overtly adverse way. The only player I can think of who declined/became shitter when bulking up is Agbonlahor, and he wasn't especially good in the first place. Perhaps that's a bad example, though.
  5. Diarra and Diame, ay? Old fat head building quite a solid/robust team there. Hopefully it'll fall to shit for him.
  6. Premiership Winners: Man Yoo Runners Up: Man City 3rd-6th: Arsenal (will be pushing the Manchester clubs this year, I reckon), Chelsea, Spurs, Us (I hope) Relegation: Wigan (had enough, fuck off), Norwich, Stoke Overachievers: Reading, Villa, Everton, Swansea Underperformers: Lolerpool Top Goal Scorer: Rooney Break Out Year: Really not sure tbh - wouldn't like to guess Season to Forget: Lolerpool squad PFA Player of the Year: Aguero/Kompany PFA Young Player of the Year: Hazard Manager of the Year: Fergie/Wenger First manager to quite/be sacked/'mutual consent': Fat Fucking Sam if there's any justice in the world
  7. Thats before you mention Sammy, Vuckic, Abeid, and Ferguson (if he continues like last season). You could also put Santon in that list. I don't remember the last time we had such promising youngsters. Aye. Very exciting times. Must admit that out of those mentioned Vuckic has yet to really impress, though the lad clearly has potential.
  8. Was going to ask what people thought of him, ta for the info. Who's he been signed from?
  9. To be honest, I'm not overly worried about not signing anyone just yet. The whole transfer market has been slow this summer. The only clubs that are spending are Man Yoo, Chelsea and Arsenal. They're the only clubs that I'd say have improved on what they had last year and let's face it we're not likely to be competing with them for the league title next year. If Tottenham/Lolerpool/Everton, clubs we are realistically are competing with for 5/6/7th, had been significantly improving their squads, then I'd be concerned. Just pleased none of our top players appear to be on their way.
  10. Agreed, as much as it pains to say it.
  11. I'd love it if Mrs B ever happened to stumble across a discarded open laptop with your posting history Bimps. You'd be in for a proper hiding.
  12. Just having a browse through a West 'Am forum,. Interestingly most of them seem to think that £17m is too much and that the money could be far better spent elsewhere.
  13. http://gifsoup.com/view3/1222039/zlatan-laugh-o.gif
  14. Lucky or extremely talented, worked since the age of 5 and having absolutely sweet FA life aside from fotball. Career usually done by 30 as well, so they have to figure out some way of securing the next 50 years financially. I envy them obviously but I fully understand how they would try to engineer moves that secures them a better pay. Its a job for them, they are not club fans. I'm sure lots footballers have some sort of financial adviser behind them telling them where to invest their money. Besides, they could pack in at 30 and still draw from their account every week what most of us would earn in a month. Don't think the next 50 years would be a worry tbh, certainly not for many established top-flight players.
  15. Think of the filth Gold and Sullivan are going to have to churn out to pay his wages.
  16. I really hate the thought of him improving West Ham, the horrible bastards.
  17. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Aye. He's a great man manager, of that there is no doubt. Refreshing to be in a position whereby one keeps faith in some of the shite knowing that the manager stands a good chance of turning it around for them.
  18. Watching now. Adkins seems like an absolutely top bloke. Can't help but like him - think Southampton will do well this year.
  19. Would love to know how they can afford this kind of sum. Didn't think the porn merchants were particularly flush.
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