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Everything posted by toon25

  1. People enjoy watching twats fail? I don't understand that holding in the context of it being your own country. You do realise many English people hate England as a country? Given the relative open society, free press and high standard of multicultural living standards we enjoy I pity these people. Not too mention everything else we've achieved as a nation. Still, each to their own. RE: disliking the players, Terry I can understand but fuck me I can't think of a single one I won't have jeered playing against NUFC because i want to see them fail but guess what? Playing for England doesn't effect NUFC in the slightest so I can get behind him when they represent my national team, just like I would if NUFC suddenly signed them as that's who I support. Bit of an contradiction isn't it? We have a free press, an open society, but if you don't want England to do well then you 'pity' them? Come off it. The 'achievements' of this nation have nothing to do with football and supporting the national side. People can support who they want to support, irrespective of where they're from. Surely acceptance of that fact is more indicative of the free society of which you speak than chastising those who turn their backs up at the national side.
  2. Wow. Quite a coup for them, actually. Probably has a lot to do with their new Russian owners.
  3. Kalou's replacement you would think.
  4. Such a shame for Bilic. Seems like a top bloke, really hope he succeeds at club level. Done a top job with Croatia imo.
  5. Has Llorente played yet for Spain this tournament?
  6. Andy Townsend is one the luckiest blokes around - travels the world watching football with the only responsibility to talk absolute fucking bollocks for 90 mins. Turning this pair of cunts right off now.
  7. Great appointment. Quite a coup for them given that they were looking at Wigan's assistant last week.
  8. I hope he does well for England, i've sort of got over the fact he left now. http://s3.vidimg.popscreen.com/original/29/bVBMb1JoSHowUWsx_o_andy-carroll-diving-like-a-donkey.jpg Never forget. Hope he breaks his legs. Aye. Fuck him. Agree with Wullie also.
  9. I would rather watch on a flickering black n white Russian stream than listen to that twat Hope he has a heart attack whilst doing it, the repugnant tosser.
  10. You'd they'd stick it into google converter or something before posting. Still, I suppose most of them are only just mastering the abacus.
  11. This is embarassing, tbh.
  12. You can almost see the £££ in his eyes when compo was mentioned. They should have asked him if he'll be paying HMRC any of that.
  13. Reckon he'll end up back at West Ham when they inevitably get bored of Fat Sam and his long ball shite.
  14. Agree with antz here. Redknapp was never one to lay foundations for a longer term project, i.e. what Pardew/Carr/Ashley/Lambias seem to be doing here, or what Wenger has done at Arse, Fergie-Manyoo, etc. He's more a 'quick-fix' type character with no long-term strategy evidenced by a number of his signings - Crouch, Defoe, Keane. Sad to see him gone as I think he would have struggled at Spurs next year. Would have been great to see him squirm. Still, thank fuck the FA went for Roy - such a dignified man in comparison to this odious ham-face creature.
  15. Thanks! Thinking of a tenner e/w on Podolski fgs at 9.00. Fucking Ronaldo's just cost me a fiver.
  16. Does anyone know what 'each way' means when a bet is placed on first goalscorer?
  17. Not sure i believe that tbh..... Gervinho, Walcott, Chamberlain etc etc would never play lol. Indeed. I reckon RvP is off, though. Has been coming out with the usual guff that tends to come from players once they've decided to go. Sure there was an article on him saying he'll 'never sign for City....always a Gunner, blah, blah, blah' on SSN last week. Can't see them accommodating all three.
  18. Good appointment if it comes off imo.
  19. toon25

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    Realism: He's got a new haircut. Le photo?
  20. toon25

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    Off to Manure. Fuck.
  21. Security wouldnt let them in. Should get an honorary knighthood tbh. But we're getting running updates on his negotiations with UEFA. Hopefully they hold firm. Thought it was strange I didn't hear them last night. They really are a fucking embarassment. Bet the FA pay for their travel expenses and tickets an'all. Why on earth they think that incessant drone of the great escape is good for the supporters and the team is beyond comprehension.
  22. Very surprised at how poor Evra looked last night. Really appears to be on the decline, unfortunately.
  23. Nah. The media have just decided to take a different spin on it imo. 'We know we're not the greatest, have to be tight and battle hard' etc etc bla bla bla. Until the expected turgid performances start, at which point they'll rip the team and Hodgson to shreds as usual. You've a good point there. Expectations are certainly lower than they have been in previous tournaments. Irrespective of my feelings for the team, however, I do hope Hodgson doesn't get much stick. I live in hope that he'll turn them into a more likeable outfit in the next few years though whether he'll be given that chance is another issue entirely. Also, Yorkie: Agree with you on this. Glad to see, also, that those chosing not to support England are not hounded out (here, at least) as well.
  24. Glad to see I'm not the only one. One good thing about the current state of the side is that we've not had so much hype about 'England's chances', though whether or not that's because the Olympics rather overshadows the Euros I'm not sure.
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