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Everything posted by toon25

  1. He's clearly just after another comfortable deal.
  2. I hope the club tell him to where to go tbh. Wasted 60k a week for over 4 years on the useless twat already, don't waste any more. He's probably realised that no club in their right mind would offer him a deal and thought he could earn a better buck by telling our kids to give '110%'.
  3. What are the odds on Rosell approaching Wenger if Pep goes?
  4. Yep. They've also got home advantage which I think will count in favour.
  5. He really is a strange looking man. He'll get the gig permanently imo, and I sincerely hope it goes tits up for him from the get-go. The smug cunt.
  6. Absolutely, especially considering they over-complicated (and legthened) the competition by having the groups stages. No wonder clubs like Spurs were happy to give the competition second priority whilst they focussed efforts on getting the CL this year. Ridiculous really, wholly undermines the achievements of those teams that have earned the right to be there in the first place.
  7. toon25

    Harry Redknapp

    think about it. Wormy might be alluding to the fact that posters on here weren't happy with Pardew even when we were winning (includes me at times). Wasn't personally aiming for a Pardew comparison. Just a general comment. I don't know if Spurs forums were filled with the same scrutiny of Redknapp even when they were winning a la this place when Pardew's first port of call was hoofball. But as far as every one was concerned, before this run of form, everything was rosy and Redknapp was the sexiest face-to-his-knees geriatric out there. Now, he hasn't got a plan B while they're in a rut, and his managerial failings are only just coming to the fore. Exactly what I was trying (and failing) to say.
  8. Who is in a better place to beat Chelsea then, Bayern or Real? Have to say Real myself.
  9. toon25

    Harry Redknapp

    think about it. Course, but what I suppose I'm trying to say is that given he's consolidated Spurs as one of the top 5 clubs in the PL, and not 4 months ago he was supposedly a title contender, why there's such a push to get rid. He's overachieved at Spurs; their sense of entitlement to more than they're getting is strange. I do accept though, that this is the mentality of the modern supporter (myself included). I'm sure I'd be somewhat irked if we'd won once in ten games... I think I've just nullified my own point there.......
  10. toon25

    Harry Redknapp

    I cannot stand Redknapp - he's an utterly detestable character, but some of these Spurs fans make me laugh. Funny that criticism of melted face only comes out now they're struggling. At the start of the year they were supposedly 'title contenders' ffs. As much as it pains me to say it, Redknapp's done a good job there. What makes some of these Spurs fans think they'll have it better under someone else I don't know. Still, will be interesting to see how this all pans out.
  11. Has always irked me, this. There are so many clubs that would literally kill for Premiership football out there and these twats can't even fill a stadium for the bigger fixtures.
  12. God, this commentary is absolutely unbearable.
  13. More money!? Fucking hate Wigan and their shit approach to football. So many more deserving clubs struggling in lower divisions while these wankers somehow manage to scrape by every season. Agree with this 100%. Detestable, plastic, club. So hope we manage to pack out the ground and outnumber their lot.
  14. toon25

    Players in public

    Aye, I was listening to Absolute Radio and they had some live thing going on, somebody said they bumped into him upstairs (I think they said he was talking to a page 3 model although I was half asleep). Smooth. I'm sure somewhere reported he was to have detailed discussions with MA/DL this week about recruitment. Maybe he was in London for that? Is Pardew still married?
  15. They celebrated like they won the fucking league man! That's just made me hate them so much more again. Fuck off Villa Fucking lol at those twats (aside from Brummie, of course). Who would have thought the tables would turn so decisively in just 3 years?
  16. toon25

    Harry Redknapp

    Pards is far more dignified than to go down to Redknapp's level. The guy is a complete cunt, a snake, and a fucking tap-up merchant and how he's managed to fool a vast section of the media think otherwise is a mystery. He and England are made for one another. A big bunch of cunts managed by a massive cunt.
  17. Just watching Boro-Southampton. To think we were in this league two years ago, man.
  18. Please, please win, chaps. These are an utterly detestable bunch.
  19. Song's got a cracking eye for a pass, like. Good player.
  20. Chelsea look like they're practicing for Tuesday's game. Men behind the ball and playing on the break.
  21. toon25

    Football pet hates

    The media assumption that all English people want an English team in European competitions to win. Absolute nonsense.
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