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Everything posted by toon25

  1. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    This is the interesting thing for me - the players had a huge amount of respect for Hughton and were also incredibly loyal. Considering some of the reactions to Hughton's sacking from Jonas and Enrique I doubt very much if Pardew is going to (re)-unite the team. I wouldn't be surprised if a few of them ask for a move away come Jan and I don't blame them. I expect we'll see a few more of the youth players in the squad/team before Jan as some of the current 1st team won't give a fuck about playing for this clown. We shall see.
  2. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    That is a deliberate ploy from the club to make us think there wasn't a pre-determined plan. Fact. Hoenstly, what a bunch of lying cunts they are. This must be the final straw, surely. Why should we take this time and again? Lying, cheating, clueless scum with no class. Boycoutt.
  3. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    i didn't ask about the situation, i asked about how pardew could possibly be considered worse than JFK i'm out, i'll come back in a few days see if people have calmed down enough to talk sense The thing is, with JFK, I never had the sense that it was permanent. Ashley had simultaneously put the club up for sale and, whilst hoping in vain that he would only be here until the club was sold, I accepted the fact that abolsutely no-one would work under those conditions of uncertainty. No-one. JFK, as shite as he was, was only going to be interim. This takes the piss.
  4. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    What'll really be worse is if he's given a 5 yr deal. What a slap in the face for poor old Chris. I'm with Ronaldo. The only consolation I'm taking from this is that I'm not alone - (hopefully) many more will stand together and say enough is enough.
  5. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Insult to us fans too. Fuck this.
  6. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    wouldnt be like talksport to lie though to get idiots phoning and texting inin now would it. Strange that no other media outlet are so sure like talksport are trying to nake out. Just going by Ashleys previous, no one had a clue about appointments of KK, JFK or shearer. But Golfmag knows and, tbf, he's not been wrong about this situation so far. Alas, I fear he's telling the truth. He'll be the first Toon manager who I despise with an absolute passion. WHY? someone please enlighten me on the pardew hartred He was given free use of Mascherano and Tevez (combined value of £45m?) and managed to make them look shite. Encouraged the claims that they were spoiling the team spirit of his dogshit squad. What more does anyone need to know? you think that warrants a statement like "despise with an absolute passion"? fuck off lads, you're all getting a bit carried away I'm entitled to my opinion just as you are entitled to think that I'm overreacting and barking up the wrong tree. Perhaps I'm a little blinded by the anger felt by many at the mo but in my eyes we've changed Hughton for someone with fewer credentials and a far less likeable character to boot. I appreciate that Hughton's gone now but I cannot for the life of me see the logic in this, can you?
  7. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    wouldnt be like talksport to lie though to get idiots phoning and texting inin now would it. Strange that no other media outlet are so sure like talksport are trying to nake out. Just going by Ashleys previous, no one had a clue about appointments of KK, JFK or shearer. But Golfmag knows and, tbf, he's not been wrong about this situation so far. Alas, I fear he's telling the truth. He'll be the first Toon manager who I despise with an absolute passion. WHY? someone please enlighten me on the pardew hartred Hmmm MASSIVE COCKEND. Another Souness. Newcastle fans will see straight through his ego. Wont wash up here and i dont think the players will take to him. This. The other reason being that this bloke for me will be directly associated with regime. He's Ashley's puppet. He's demonstrated absolutely no reason why he should be considered for the job. It's clearly his connections with cunts managing this club that have got him the job, nothing else. Removing the fact that Ashley is an inept fat tossrag, this appointment from a footballing perspective makes aboslutely no sense. Sacked from a League 1 club and then manages to wangle a job at a Premiership club. Jobs for the boys and a load of bollocks if I say so myself.
  8. That article does make sense. Yeah, and player fucking sales by the sound of it.
  9. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    wouldnt be like talksport to lie though to get idiots phoning and texting inin now would it. Strange that no other media outlet are so sure like talksport are trying to nake out. Just going by Ashleys previous, no one had a clue about appointments of KK, JFK or shearer. But Golfmag knows and, tbf, he's not been wrong about this situation so far. Alas, I fear he's telling the truth. He'll be the first Toon manager who I despise with an absolute passion.
  10. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Golfmag, what have you heard? (Not saying I don't believe you btw, nor do I want you to put yourself in an awkward position by saying too much, I'm just clutching at straws)
  11. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Surely, just surely Ashley would be aware of the furore that this appointment would cause? Who in their right mind is going to back this cunt?
  12. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Totally agree. Hughton always gave the impression that he loved what he was doing, that he respected the fans and players alike. Was genuinely proud to have him in an age where men of dignity and integrity are scarce. I for one will not forget the way he united the players and basically stuck two fingers up to the fucking media when they had us down for Leeds style collapse. To think we're back to the drone-type managers so characteristic of the modern game who are more concerned to boost their own ego and provide the media with the usual stereotypical soundbites makes my fucking blood boil. I for one liked Hughton's positivity and although a lot of results were not going our way at times it was still refreshing to have a manager that tried to disperse with the old negative bullshit and pick us all up to face the next fixture.
  13. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    The thing is, with Hughton, he was kind of a barrier to the regime. He made me, to his credit, forget that we were owned/run by two fuckits. There will be no distinction with Pardew - he will (rightly) be seen as being part this shitty farce of club 'management'. Bollocks to making him feel welcome. I'll be giving the cunt as much shit as I can possibly muster. Still can't believe this. So angry it's beyond words.
  14. Aboslutely nothing will vindicate Hughton's sacking for me. I do, however, feel that something could be salvaged from this season if Jol came in. I genuinely think he could do something here. That fact he isn't Pardew is also a HUGE plus. To think we will have replaced a manager who has grown into the role with someone with far fewer credentials and no likeable characteristics will certainly mean the end of the road for me as a fan.
  15. Alas, I think it's pretty fucking clear now that whoever is going to get the job is going to be a journeyman/has been. No way on this planet have we got a chance a manager currently 'in the game' as it were. Step up Hoddle, Pardew, Curbishley, Sanchez, Gregory, O'Leary. Bargain fucking basement. Jol and O'Neill = fairytale
  16. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    I know this is a case of clutching at straws here, we are after all talking about the man who appointed JFK, but surely the fat cunt wouldn't be so stupid as to think that we fans would accept Pardew? I share the sentiments of many on here that if that snide prick gets the gig I'd find it difficult to stave off feelings of apathy.
  17. In regards to Pardew, didn't someone post on here a few weeks ago that a law firm were finalising contracts for Pardew's appointment? No doubt in mind that he's going to be next manager. Looking at the fat cunt's appointments so far, none are what you might call 'active' or 'established' managers. They've all been drifters. We're kidding ourselves if we think we're getting anything different. So so gutted. Absolutely loved Hughton - an intelligent, articulate, and gracious man who went about his job of pulling this club out of the shitter in a dignified manner. A real role model, a top bloke, and, in my opinion, a promising manner. Fuck you Ashley.
  18. Shitting it that Smith makes it back in the starting 11 with Tiote RB. Any news yet on teams?
  19. From what I've seen of West Brom this season I don't think they'll go down. Early days but they've impressed me to be honest. Cunts.
  20. Couldn't agree more. Am absolutely lambasted by friends/family for it though.
  21. For what it's worth I think that 'footballing championship sides are far more likely to struggle in the prem than non-footballing sides. I'm not saying that we'll be fine next year btw, we need a good few new, and decent signings to achieve mid-table.
  22. How many points are we ahead of those cunts Brom now?
  23. Surely Kadar should have started ahead of Hall. Hughton going for experience? Still, let's hope Nolan and GUthrie pull a performance out of their arse
  24. He'll have been in mind from day one without a doubt, and was clearly the back-up option in case Beckford & Moses failed. Good to see the club actually have an insurance policy for once in that respect. certainly hope so. Tbh I reckon Moses was more an opportunistic target as a result of Palace going into admin rather than being a target whom we'd scouted for any length of time.
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