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The QuichÃ

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Everything posted by The QuichÃ

  1. You can see it in the pic above...... probably. still clinging on to any hope that is not it tbh. I know the feeling. Damn you Puma!
  2. Now having had a look through all the training gear Im even more disgusted. They look so damn cheap and nasty. They must be taking the piss if they think they can charge £45 for such shit shirts.
  3. How come every other shirt maker hasnt needed to put a horrid border around the badge yet Puma have to? They look so damn cheap and tacky. It really could be the first time since 94 that i dont buy one of our shirts. They are utter shite :-[
  4. I'm too busy loving my new England away shirt I got from Asda for only £25. After the World Cup Im sure my anger towards them leaked photos shall return.
  5. If he is lying and we get stuck with these If he's not lying and we get nice embroided badges and better looking kits
  6. Maybe if I see the home kit in Ibiza I might buy it for a euro. Saves paying real money on such rubbish lol
  7. I'm still holding onto a grain of wait and see but I have learnt from recent years with this club to expect the worst lol
  8. Couldnt agree more. I want to be proud to wear my teams shirt and not be forced to wear a cheap piece of crap that could come from a market or charity shop. Also we are paying between 30/40 quid of our hard earned money to wear it.
  9. I hope your friend is lying please god these are just too crap.
  10. To me they look so shit they have to be real. I could just about cope with the generic blue shirt if it didnt have that damn white around the crest. White around the crest why oh why? Weve never needed it before so why now? I cant believe just how much I hate these shirts. I must have nothing better to do lol.
  11. The more I look at the photos the more I hate them. Heres hoping we only have Puma for the contracted 2 years and no longer.
  12. All 3 look like something I could buy from a market for £2.50. They are the drizzling shits. Whats with the damn white around the crests too? For the first time since 1994 I shall not be buying a shirt if they are real.
  13. Not too sure on the collar or lack there of but apart from that its spot on.
  14. Sign him up untill the end of his career. Bloody good keeper
  15. I love the atmosphere of the world cup especially watching it while abroad on holiday but I really cant stand most of the players who play for England. I think the only person that would make me watch is if Milner gets a run in the team. People like Terry, Cole, Rooney etc really put me off. Once again I shall be supporting Holland instead.
  16. Theres just something about him I cant stand. Surely they could have found someone better.
  17. The QuichÃ

    Nicky Butt

    Good ridance you old sack of over paid sh*t
  18. Still smiling like a crazy person and cant wait untill my trip to St. James on Saturday. :colo:
  19. Well I was getting worried that this had happened lol
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