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The QuichÃ

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Everything posted by The QuichÃ

  1. Does anyone know if the tickets have been sent out yet? I ordered mine a few weeks ago and have received them yet.
  2. Lincoln City as its only 20 mins away from home and where Shearer made his debut.
  3. My level 7 ticket for Blackpool arrived today and I cant wait. Shame I shall be all on my lonesome but I shall still sing along like a loon lol.
  4. Good god that Liverpool shirt is vile
  5. I shall certainly be sporting mine for the game
  6. Words can not describe how happy and proud I am although Id be even happier if we were Champions and I could bloody get tickets for Blackpool and Ipswich :colo:
  7. I think my shirt shall have to have Enrique as well. Although I hate the premier league writing.
  8. The QuichÃ


    Jesus just like Joey Barton I had completely forgot all about him being at the club.
  9. I wonder if ranger will be brought on soon to desperately try and get the second
  10. The QuichÃ


    Jesus I forgot we still even have Geremi and Barton lurking around the club.
  11. Cant wait, my first game of the season. Should be an amazing atmosphere. Is it Saturday yet?
  12. This is getting all far too cryptic now
  13. Good god please just sell the club before i go on holiday or I may well go insaine. God lets hope the Americans can push it through quickly if they have the cash.
  14. Sweet sweet victory! Good god I hope this is a good sign that Moat was sat there too.
  15. Thanks Marley for keeping me sane. Atleast theres a positive in this whole thread
  16. I think the next pic he should be wearing our delightful new yellow away shit
  17. Absolutely superb. I love the fact that a dog knows more about this club than us lot lol
  18. Its some very welcome light relief from this whole situation
  19. Is it just me or does the football in the background just add something to the photo?
  20. God lets hope this goes through. What better way to spend time with your dog lol
  21. God this whole thing is pissing me off more and more by the day. Im getting to the point where I dont know if I can even be arsed to watched the WBA game just as I suspect to be depressed even more.
  22. I say we all turn up and force his fat fucking hand to sign the contract and piss off out of our club for once and all
  23. Good god this whole saga is like water torture or even worse being stuck in a room full of Mackems for a day
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