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The QuichÃ

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Everything posted by The QuichÃ

  1. The meeting part now is making me believe. Believe. Exactly what I thought. Its going to happen
  2. Ive been negative for a long while but the more I read from Thomo the more Im starting to believe. God let it be right PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE
  3. A random note but DIC own Travelodge hotels in Britain too. I wonder if I can get a staff discount if this turns out to be true lol.
  4. My Dad and his family are from Morpeth. My older brother got a shirt when I was young so I got one too and just got into it more and more. Also I love the city and plan on making it my home in the near future.
  5. Bloody good to see the players speaking out about this mess!
  6. I really am fed up of all this constant media speculation. I think I may go insaine before we get anything concrete.
  7. Cant believ's managed to get there. I was quite looking forward to seeing the twat in Hull colours oh well atleast weve shifted one sack of shit.
  8. Sleaford, Lincolnshire. Its a dive!
  9. Loving the new sponsor lol. If we finally get some good news by the end of the month I may go crazy and pre order this yellow delight.
  10. I hate to admit it but it's kind of growing on me a bit
  11. Damn beaten to it I was just about to put Nacho
  12. Absolute fucking legend. Hurts to see how hurt he is too. I cant agree more with all of his words. Its time for a change and bloody big changes at that.
  13. I cant fucking believe it even worse I was stuck a work listening to that shite! Im glad I wasnt at the game or Id be on Sky Sports balling too
  14. Nope its still there I was looking through the window on Saturday to see if I could see any Monty printing available.
  15. I really like it still. Something that I saw while at the match on saturday was someone had a big Monty the magpie filling the horrid white box on the back. I just wondered where you could get this done as I thought it looked pretty good and its better than any of the players at the mo.
  16. Just got mine from the UPS guy and Im thoroughly impressed, shame about the big white patch on the back but hey I cant see it when Im wearing it. Best shirt since 96 without a doubt.
  17. I hope I manage to get one this time. Every time Im at St. James its always the time their not handing out such stuff If I dont get one I may have to sign up for this camp lol.
  18. We will have the best shirt in the Championship.
  19. Damn it I was on hold on my mobile for 30mins this morning. Oh well I just dont care Im going to be at the game and Im already paying about £80 on the train up there so I cant complain about the expense lol.
  20. If we stay up or go down I think he should stay and we should give him time (as in proper years or seasons) to prove what he can become.
  21. The QuichÃ

    Wise Gone

    I didnt want to get too carried away lol :colo:
  22. The QuichÃ

    Wise Gone

    Thank fuck the annoying cockney shite has gone. First Shearer and now that twat has gone happy days, next a draw on saturday
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