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Everything posted by TooonDoom

  1. Just taking the decision to walk away from the club (as long as CUNT remains) is reason to be proud. Don't walk away from each other. Newcastle should still remain united. It may be the football that brought us together,but there is no need to disband just because the fotball is over. I’m actually in two minds whether to do the same. Try to avoid here, Twitter, even not watch the games on sky. I love Newcastle. I moved from the area in my teens and that just made it stronger as (with the accent etc) it made it part of my identity when surrounded by southerners. In twenty five years since there’s probably only been a handful of games I’ve either not watched, listened to, followers here or on ceefax! Every day I’ve looked for Newcastle news. I’m not religious but this is my closest thing, my tribe. Basically the same as most of us on this board. But now it just brings anger and stress. It’s just not worth it.
  2. Yeah fair enough. I think I recall that maybe they did even send him an email but he saw it after someone told him it was on Sky. That would tie in with the remember you’re under contract line in the mail article.
  3. My take was he was surprised that they broke it without even an email or call that they would be doing it on that day. It’s just a common curtesy right?
  4. Really good job Greg[/member] Care to opine on members of the board avoiding conflicts of interest by having rules banning board members having gifts from nufc (or at least declaring them)? I’d like to get behind the trust but this is a complete blocker for me. I can understand the resilience to backing boycotts but this feels like no brainer to me and is completely common practice in business world.
  5. Even nufc.com are waking from their slumber Rafa revelation Speaking to The Mail on Sunday, Rafa Benitez has claimed that within days of last season ending, any realistic chance of him extending his SJP contract was over - and that the club were fully aware of that. To have made no new managerial appointment almost eight weeks after that simply beggars belief, regardless of the status of any proposed takeover. If business like the sale of Ayoze Perez that has a bearing on the future of the club can continue, then surely a manager can be appointed to maintain the viability and value of it for whoever the owner is? Benitez voiced his concern about the snail-like pace that the club moved at when striking deals; there's a certain irony in the fact that the same trait is evident when it comes to finding his own replacement.
  6. It’s got to be time for a curry soon.
  7. Yeah it’s the glance at the linesman * 100
  8. TooonDoom

    Isaac Hayden

    Nice that he admits the club are in a very difficult time. Better than the all the players are happy shite in the papers this morning.
  9. I would encourage everyone to put pressure on nust to make it a rule for members of the board to ideally be banned from receiving any gifts from NUFC and it’s subsidiaries or at an absolute minimum they should have to declare them. I think other than the boycott they can potentially achieve a lot for us fans by uniting us. Giving us one voice to the club. But without transparency that their directors are receiving tickets, corporate seats etc there will be mistrust of the board and their motivations when their approach does not amplify with others (which is bound to happen as we will not always agree). If this is already the case they should make this clear on their website.
  10. So on tonight’s Newcastle takeover rumours show we debate... is “incoming” more or less than “a couple days”?
  11. I’ll get burned but I also trust Ryder at least in that he is reporting what he is being told. His sources are most likely in the club. Situation is one of: - Newcastle saying no bid as there is no bid & buyer playing games - Ashley playing games & seller being messed around So as per usual we basically know fuck all but the most likely outcome, based on past windows, is absolutely fuck all will happen. I don’t think anyone disagrees that Ryder is just regurgitating blindly what he’s being told by his club source (who lets face it has to be Charnley or Bishop). Ryder and the Chron are just useful idiots for the club and are used to distribute their misinformation. ?
  12. I’ll get burned but I also trust Ryder at least in that he is reporting what he is being told. His sources are most likely in the club. Situation is one of: - Newcastle saying no bid as there is no bid & buyer playing games - Ashley playing games & seller being messed around So as per usual we basically know fuck all but the most likely outcome, based on past windows, is absolutely fuck all will happen.
  13. It feels quiet to me. Usually we’d have had at least a couple days where odds reduced massively, or betting was suspended, a couple candidates ruling themselves out etc. Maybe we just don’t give a collective fuck anymore so it seems quiet. There is nothing in incoming players either but that’s as we don’t have a manager I guess.
  14. I can not recall a manager hunt ever being as quiet as this. Hope...
  15. TooonDoom


    Right... this has me convinced our take over happens tomorrow. At same time this proper explodes for them. It will be like the champions league qualification relegation day all over.
  16. TooonDoom


    The full notes. Most likely shite but amusing non the less https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/takeover-in-trouble.1477981/page-65#post-30012937
  17. TooonDoom


    Things seem to be imploding further down the road. Long thread that I can’t be arsed reading through but stuff like this flying round. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/takeover-in-trouble.1477981/page-64
  18. My bet is initial payment 16m (Leicester wanted to make it seem they did good work in market). Could rise to 30m (Newcastle want to show it was too good to turn down). Trigger clause is Ashley bullshit to reduce the storm.
  19. Something seems rotten to me. Leicester sources broke it first at 16m. Then sky sports broke it at 30m with the buy out triggered. Even Ashley’s clowns seem to indicate that there staggered payments based on performance. I have never heard about a buy out clause that including trigger clauses.
  20. Yeah me too. It’s hard to forget him defending that cunt McManaman.
  21. Money will go in the transfer pot but as simpletons we have to remember that this doesn’t mean we’ll have 30 million to spend. It’s not as simple as that.
  22. We are going to get Fucked in the transfer market (assuming they try to sign anyone). We can’t put a team out. No strikers. Every selling club will know this.
  23. Wasn’t it reported he had a buy out clause? Maybe its been triggered.
  24. I thought he worked for the Gazette when I posted but that could be bollox. Apologies.
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