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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. you seem to know half of the Man U squad players......are you Keiron Richardson in disguise ?
  2. it may be depressing but at least its honest and far better than the "keeping our powder dry" bollocks that has spouted for so many previous transfer windows...
  3. I reckon he's overated. quite a few people seem to bum him but I cant remember the last time he played well for us. if we can get decent cash for him I'd take it. he's got a bad injury record too.
  4. i was in the Wehterspoons by the station at 10.30am y'day and there were a number of groups of very handy looking lads in there already who were already on the lash. stone island, paul and shark, adidas gazelles, you know the uniform. they were keeping an eye on what the bizzies were up to and generally looking like they weren't just there for the match. I said to my lass that it looked like things would kick off a bit later in the day.
  5. the more I hear from Big Sam the more I like the bloke. he seems to understand the issues we face as a club and talks openly and honestly about the reality of our situation. which is like a watershed given the bullshit that many of his predecessors have spouted.
  6. the reality is that we aren't currently capable of signing world class players cos we are a team that has languished in mid table for the last few years. what we need is for Sam to build a squad that will get us back to being a decent side and then we might atract some big name players who actually want to play for us rather than just take their wages and do sweet FA. from what I can see Sam is fully aware of the situation we are in and is making an effort to sign players who will do a job and get mucked in. People like Heinze will be wanted by some of the best sides in Europe. Why would they want to come here ? SA is being open and honest about our transfer policy. Which is a refreshing change given the bullshit that has been spouted in the past.
  7. I'd be worried about a sniper rifle that only hit target 1/3 of the time ! I'd love to get the inside track on what journo's get up to. I imagine it goes something like this: editor - circulation is down on Tyneside. sort it out sports reporter - no problem boss. I'm on it. followed by "Toon make move for Ronaldhino / Messi / Cannavaro etc" headline
  8. might it not be a bit harsh to blame Ashley. this is paper chat and the "quote" came from a "source". which normally means "we made it up" to try and sell more papers / get more people on our site. its not as if MA has come out in the press and announced that we're after the goofy brazilian.
  9. Ha Ha. NotW get 12% acuracy Surely someone needs to have a word with their football journo team and ask them to justify their transfer speculation policy !
  10. so even in the case of the best paper, 75% of what they write is bollocks. unbelievable ! its a bit off topic but it makes you think a bit more about how they report other aspects of the news. the more you find out about the media the more you realise just how disgraceful they are. that queen thing this week is a good example of how they alter reality and present it as fact.
  11. being a sports journo must be ace. you literally just make shit up and put it out to press. I'd like to know what % of newspaper transfer speculation actually becomes reality. I suspect it would be between 1 and 5%....
  12. the likes of Kenny Shepherd are the reason why our beloved club had gone to the dogs. he's the soon to depart Chairmans son and apparently that was the only qualification he needed to be a "key player" in the running of NUFC. Good riddance to the little rat. Get some people in who actually know what they're doing and slit the throat of this "jobs for the boys" mentality that prevailed under the previous regime.
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