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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. I admire your blind optimism lad but his track record suggests he is far from capable of 40 games a season ! he's not even managed half that in 2 seasons !
  2. there barely seems to be a day goes by without some arsewipe writing bollocks about us.
  3. I saw him clutching an empty pipe and offering to suck people off for 30p a shot round the back of the centre for life......
  4. sell him. 20 games in 2 years. not like he'll be missed is it.....
  5. the papers will be all "allardyce hangs on by thread, lucky toon save sams job" etc etc etc class to see the ground get behind the lads the neet. the ground was jumping. no teams will want to come and play up here if we can keep the atmosphere like that. it was top notch.
  6. if you want to be petty we also played some pre-season friendlies..... if you look at the league, we've won 5, lost 5, drawn 3. yes, the last few games have been worrying. but it's not that many weeks since we were harping on about our unbeaten home record and proclaiming that we looked like contenders for a top 6 finish. we've not been amazing this season. and have been minging in a number of games. but it's a new squad, new manager, new regime. did you honestly think that this season would be plain sailing from day 1 ?
  7. The only 2 clubs you mention as having had stable management are Everton and to a lesser extent Blackburn, the other 5 have changed managers quite often recently and Blackburn would have got rid of Souness if we hadn't bailed them out. Sacking the manager isn't the problem, employing the wrong one is. Get the right manager in and you don't have to get rid of him. With our current track record of hiring and firing I'm taking the view stability is having a manager who has been given more than 1 season at the helm. O'Neil didn't exactly set the world alight with Villa last year. But he's now shaping them into a decent looking side. Moyes's reign has also had it's ups and downs. At NUFC managers are never given enough time to build things. The fans don't allow it. And if we sack Allardyce who in their right mind would want the job ???
  8. I'm sure that 50,000 getting behind the team would give then a huge lift, I just don't think 50,000 performing seals would make the slightest difference when things are like they are now. I think 50,000 performing seals would send out the wrong message to the people who can make a difference, negativity from the fans at times is needed. Without it we would still have Souness or Roeder and that wouldn't have done us any good. When things are going better then the fans will get behind the team, when we're cocking things up like we are now then I think we'd do our selves no favours if we appeared to be happy the way things are going. Some people will always find a reason to moan when things are going OK but we’ve got to live with that because they’ll give the club a greater spending power when it comes to bringing in new players. I agree that people can't spend every game looking through rose tinted glasses and pretending everything is great. But we are 13 games into a new regime that many agree needs time to gel and build, yet still the choruses of boo's come from the stands. There were many who booed the 0-0 at home against Villa ! At what point does the attitude of the fans become a cause, rather than a symptom of the poor performances ?
  9. "The other clubs do it too. They just have less reason to do so, less often." And why is this ? Because we have an unrealistic, overexpectant, impatient set of fans who have delusions that we are a big club and view the likes of Man U, Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool as our rivals when in fact these clubs have moved on to bigger and better things and we have wallowed in the self pity of our own mid table mediocrity. apart from the 50,000 crowd what makes us any better than Villa, Boro, Pompey, Man City, Everton, Bolton, Blackburn etc ? And a number of those sides are now starting to leave us behind as they build on a few years of stable management.
  10. for gods sake, i had to have a word with a mate who said this yesterday 'gary megsons team beat man u today, thats how bad our management situation is', you people cant see the wood for the trees, thats a SAM ALLARDYCE team playing man u mate, his players, playing his system, whats the diference between them and us, TIME What do you judge someone on ? Their hair style ? Their car ? Or results ? Maybe it's Gary Megsons balding ginger hair makes you judge him negatively ? No, I'm not advocating getting him as NUFC manager, by the way Spot-on ? You THAT daft ? The prat slags off our fans for daring to be unhappy at two atrocious home performances of monumental ineptitude and you think he's "spot on" Just remind me not to enter you in archery competition...the spectators behind you would be in deadly danger. I never slagged people off for daring to be unhappy. I was making the point that the home support are far too eager to turn on the management / players as soon as things start going wrong. Maybe if the fans who don't believe in Sam stopped coming to the game for a bit then the team could have a chance to sort out their issues without having large sections of the 50,000 home fans hurling abuse at them. If you do currently come to the game (which many who post on here clearly don't), but don't like the current state of affairs, then stop going into the ground and vent your spleen outside before or after the 90 mins has passed. I'm sure that the cauldron of negativity being generated in the stands isn't ever going to help the players and Sam sort out the issues they currently have on the pitch
  11. Here we go...the usual pillocks doing the BBC and medias job for them in slagging the fans off for the crap coming those paid obscene amounts. It really irritates me. The tossers at the BBC will be walking around with the kind of hard ons over these displays that they normally get when a new office boy starts.... I might be wide of the mark with this repsonse but thats mainly because you lost me with comment. I'm not suggesting that we played well y'day. Far from it. I'm just saying that almost from the outset the attitude in the ground was one of negativity. And for many years now our fans, particularly the 50,000 at home games, have been living under a cloud of negativity or apathy. Hence the Bring Back The Noise campaigns etc...
  12. 50,000 idiots who don't deserve what? s*** football, you're right. its fair enough mate, you've got your concerns about the way we're playing, so have i. i just dont think that the way that our 'supporters' react to bad times is condusive to success, at all, even when we win i leave the ground frustrated at all the negativity around. i'm starting to think that many years of false dawns have changed the fans mindset beyond repair @bobbydazzla - spot on mate maybe the amount of season ticket holders doesnt help things. people turn up out of habit and because they have to. not because they actually want to be there. so they are in the wrong frame of mind before the game has even kicked off. a load of people jacking in their season tickets and being replaced by paper ticket buying punters who are at the match because they want to be there might be just what we need to lift the attitude of the crowd.
  13. I can't recall an example of when the home fans booed a home player and his response was to up his game and suddenly deliver a blinding performance for the remainder of the match. if you get booed by the home fans when you're away from home, then in many cases it will drive you to up your game. Especially if you possess the footballing talent of Mr S Gerrard. and my issue with booing gerrard is the reason he was booed. He had a shitter for england, so f****** what ! it has nowt to do with a game in which NUFC are playing LFC. these days the fans inside the ground are more arsed about where they can direct their negative abuse, rather than singing their hearts out and getting behind the side. it is like a f****** pantomime. couldnt agree more, 50,000 idiots, we dont deserve it as many others have said before me, I'd rather have 30,000 in the ground who have come to get behind the side than the current 50,000 where many seem to delight in ridiculing our staff and side. and if we weren't getting 50,000 a week then maybe we could finally rid ourselves of the delusion that we are a "big" side and align our expections accordingly, therefore allowing us to rebuild the team in a positive environment rather than under the cloud of over-expectation and negativity that has followed us around for the last 10 years.....
  14. I can't recall an example of when the home fans booed a home player and his response was to up his game and suddenly deliver a blinding performance for the remainder of the match. if you get booed by the home fans when you're away from home, then in many cases it will drive you to up your game. Especially if you possess the footballing talent of Mr S Gerrard. and my issue with booing gerrard is the reason he was booed. He had a shitter for england, so fucking what ! it has nowt to do with a game in which NUFC are playing LFC. these days the fans inside the ground are more arsed about where they can direct their negative abuse, rather than singing their hearts out and getting behind the side. it is like a fucking pantomime.
  15. couldn't agree more on that point. yes, the performance was way below standard but I fail to see how 50,000 home fans booing and taking the piss out the manager and squad is going to improve things on the pitch. even MOTD took the piss out of our lot booing Gerrard. he is an immense player, who had a shit game for a national side that many newcastle fans couldn't give a shit about. so our booing just fires him up to raise his game even higher. and guess who had the last laugh. I was cringing in my seat at the attitude of the majority in the ground y'day. It's getting to the point where our crowd our behaving like a bunch of twats at a Big Brother exit show.
  16. Atmosphere is reflected from the team. How the f*** can rack up a mountanious atmosphere when the team is as passive, distant, unwilling, and plain rubbish as that? We were stunned. We play these f****** players wages, they should be trying at the very least, even if attainment is 1% effort should be 110% every game. I do believe they are not confident with the current style and BS has not won them over entirely but that's just me throwing ideas into the air with regards to the root of the problem. what were you expecting today ? for us to put liverpool to the sword and dazzle them with our attacking prowess whilst at the same time frustrating them with our solidity at the back. we were up against things before the whistle even blew. anyone who didn't realise this is living in a fantasy land. so it would have made sense to get behind the side and at least give them some vocal encouragement whilst they took on a difficult task. but no. what do the majority do. boo our players, sings songs degrading our manager, cheer the players in red shirts. it is f****** backwards man. I was ashamed to be in the home crowd today. EFFORT. Were you not? Idiot. so the home fans jeering our players and manager whilst applauding the reserves of the opposition will make our players put in more effort. idiot.
  17. Atmosphere is reflected from the team. How the f*** can rack up a mountanious atmosphere when the team is as passive, distant, unwilling, and plain rubbish as that? We were stunned. We play these f****** players wages, they should be trying at the very least, even if attainment is 1% effort should be 110% every game. I do believe they are not confident with the current style and BS has not won them over entirely but that's just me throwing ideas into the air with regards to the root of the problem. what were you expecting today ? for us to put liverpool to the sword and dazzle them with our attacking prowess whilst at the same time frustrating them with our solidity at the back. we were up against things before the whistle even blew. anyone who didn't realise this is living in a fantasy land. so it would have made sense to get behind the side and at least give them some vocal encouragement whilst they took on a difficult task. but no. what do the majority do. boo our players, sings songs degrading our manager, cheer the players in red shirts. it is fucking backwards man. I was ashamed to be in the home crowd today.
  18. I got the feeling today that there was no attempt to even get behind the team. even during the darkest days of Roeder I don't recall such an apathetic attitude in the ground. it's almost as if the fan base are willing Sam to fail. we are 13 games into a complete overhaul of the club. yes, today was a shambles and it is a gutter to get twatted at home 2 games in a row. but did anyone honestly expect us to take the points today ? they are a far better team than us. fact. and having 50,000 people whinging and whining after 10 mins isnt going to inspire the side to overcome the odds and take something from the match.....
  19. jesus christ. an end of season round of applause for a championship winning side is a world apart from cheering an opposition player (who has no ties to NUFC) onto the pitch just because he was perceived to be the best of a bad bunch when engerland got spanked in mid week.
  20. Hmmm. I'm anticipating an age of somewehere between 12-18 and almost certainly a toon ultra. Tit. your assumptions couldnt be further from the truth. you fucking clown.
  21. Give it a rest, man. Thousands around you obviously think differently. thousands around me still think its 1996, we have a top four side, and any side that comes to St James Park should just roll over and grease up their back doors whilst we whack 4 or 5 up their rear ends. the reality is very different. its only the fact that we get 50,000 every week that creates the false impression that we are any different from all the other mid table sides.....
  22. We get stuffed off Liverpool and the fans chanting for or against certain players is your biggest gripe. we were unlikely to take any points today. Liverpool are a far better side than us. that was plain to see before the match even kicked off. but the attitude of the fans today was a disgrace. people were looking for any excuse to kick off and give the players / manger stick. and cheering that lanky cunt when he came on the pitch was the stinking cherry on the top of a very smelly shit cake.
  23. I go to the game to get behind the team. I don't go to the game to give a rousing welcome to some tosser from the opposing team who was part of an engerland side that got spanked in midweek. So much for St James Park becoming a hostile fortress. Maybe we should just roll out the red carpet for Arsenal in a couple of weeks. After all, their football is undeniably stylish and it would be rude not to show them how much we respect that.
  24. are your serious ? it s not long since the lanky twat was getting booed onto the pitch by engerland fans. and since when has engerland had owt to do with the toon ? apart from Engerlands Michael Owen getting injured whilst playing in a white shirt..... it is fucking criminal for any self respecting NUFC fan to put engerlands misfortune as a higher priority than getting behind 11 lads in black n white shirts. can you imagine engerland getting beat and then owen getting a standing ovation as he took to the pitch at Old Trafford / Stamford Bridge / Emirates. Can you fuck. Joke.
  25. why the fuck would a class act like Jose want to take on a shower of shite like NUFC ??? get real man, if you genuinely think that he would join us then you've lost your fucking mind.
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