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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. I’m only just back home for new year. Got a few weeks off to recover
  2. Rumoured! Not sure if that’s not starting or not in squad?
  3. Yeah but Miggy’s engine!
  4. Suppose basket case Chewsee isn’t the best team to flourish in atm!
  5. Let’s not have any hair/ headband crime too please. Philips being the exception
  6. Yeah fuck it I want ramming speed and flying through brick walls for this one!
  7. Think he’s a lot of huff and puff with no end product! If Eddie chose him I’d back him. Where’s this rumour come from or just speculation?
  8. Wouldn’t have been a problem if it was Miggy!
  9. Fuck is this steaming shite?
  10. This and I now don’t trust our medical team!
  11. As a minimum! That’s shocking that he didn’t ffs!
  12. That’s fucking outrageous. Not your post btw
  13. Fuck my hopes were up then. Thought it was an early new yearly spot
  14. There are those that will and those that won’t. Our journey is still going to be upward over the longer term. But a win would be fecking outstanding and put to bed some of the recent disappointments and injustices. Hopium kicking in again for me
  15. ?? Hope it isn’t BDB for Livra and Miggy for Isak. Favourites or not we need the best option.
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