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wyn davies

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Everything posted by wyn davies

  1. Harewood, jesus , hopeless why persist with this excuse for a footballer
  2. so which clubs are pink lint? are the B&W's actually skint relatively wise, are Chelsea and man ure worse off than us are the Green hoops over the border worse than the blue tops would be interesting to find out.
  3. Rangers ain't being run by Lloyds bank at all, it's total bollocks, the state are now pumping money into Rangers seeing as we all loaned Lloyds money to keep them afloat, infact I believe the Scottich Parliament should be pumping money in after all they want independence!
  4. remain in this league and continue in or around this present position without gaining promotion using loan players continually
  5. wouldn't worry our chances are diminishing dramatically
  6. Reminds me of all the dross we used to get in in the 70's under Bill McGarry and Hughton under Ashley will do exactly the same buy old players who eat pies and are well past there sell by date. God Help Us
  7. Transfers wise wouldn't be surprised that WISE and his mate are lurking in the background dealing with transfers and Hughton accepts whoever they provide.
  8. In a previous life when Keegan turned up can't remember as a player or manager 1st time around we were nigh on relegated to Div 3 or League 1 as it is now called, and we had gates of around 13000.When this change happened gates went upto 26000, so as far as I'm concerned it's bollocks, all this it'll hurt the players nonsense,they will simply move on as will the club should we boycott.The value of the club will reduce and Ashleys pockets will empty a bit more.The only way to cause damage to Ashley is via his pockets it's the only thing these type of people understand. Infact I'm beginning to wonder if relegation to Div 1 would be a bad thing it would screw Ashley then, and get rid of this crap it would the club as well, as no it wouldn't we would sharp rise from the ashes just like a phoenix.
  9. so we have him until 2011 just enough time for us to get relegated back to the championship and ashley to sell the club , dejavu
  10. good to see him heading back in the right direction, always liked him
  11. looks like Hughton will sign contract following this match God Help Us
  12. history repeats aka last season, the guy is not good enough
  13. and waht gives Harewood the right based on his Sh*te performances and as I type Harewood getting grief off Anderson
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