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Everything posted by PRL

  1. I'm torn. I'm really fucking angry right now, but I'm waiting to find out who with. I will certainly be put off lining Ashley & Co's pockets if it turns out they have fucked over Keegan, but there are plenty of people on this board who have had to put up with the club getting fucked over in far worse ways in the 80s and they're still here, which makes me question whether I'd be right to walk away. Despite having a poncy southern accent and living in London, I'm a Geordie through birth and heritage and it's not just something you can leave behind or disregard. As much as this hurts, I can't say i won't support the team any more because I will, at the end of the day what I support isn't the chairman, it isn't the manager and a lot of the time it isn't even the team, it's the supporters themselves, the people i sing with, moan with, bitch at and generally pass more of my time talking to than anyone else in the world. I was going to compare walking away like walking away from the missus, but it isn't - it's way more than that. It's been with me since I can remember and whatever it does i'll always love the club and the city - it's more like family i guess, it's in the blood.
  2. I knew it was some kind of spelling catastrophy *catastrophe...
  3. Betfair down to 1.05.... this is like water torture
  4. If anyone is tracking my movement on here today i'm fucked, i would much rather be doing work to be honest, this is fucking painful but can't take my eyes off it...
  5. Go to english soccer, barclaycard premiership, managerial change. He's now 1.09
  6. Whats that mean to us not attracted to wasting our money betting ? Basically means people are heavily backing to happen but definitely not confirmed - once it is confirmed it'll go to 1.01, so imagine it as a doomsday clock, we're basically 13 mins from the world as we know it being blown up
  7. Disagree - if Ashley goes whoever comes in will be able to do a similar job / may even be better (and whilst i appreciate what he has done for this club in clearing the debt, other aspects of his ownership have left a bit to be desired). Keegan, to me at least, is just about irreplacable.
  8. So Ashley refused to sell when this Abu Dhabi group were interested but now is willing to sell any of our players and sack Keegan... Something really doesn't add up here
  9. PRL

    Sad sesh

    on train on way home, refreshing wap every ten secs but nothing happening just hoping theyre waiting for me to get in
  10. PRL

    Sad sesh

    Stuck at work til 7 then gym induction from 8 til 9. My fault for being a fat cunt but wish i'd thought it through before booking last week... come 9pm it's a taxi home then 3 hours of all this...
  11. We've had this the first time Thaksin took over, when Egg went into West Ham, Lerner into Villa, etc... I know they are all different but i wouldn't immediately be dejected because city have (another) pile of cash possibly at their disposal. New owners often means new manager so next time City have a slump we might see another change at the top which will unsettle everyone there. A club has to be managed well to succeed, not just have loads of money chucked at it. I know people will point to Chelsea but they had Mourinho who wasn't exactly a bad manager. Not saying Hughes is, just think he might not be who they want and the merry go round at City could start all over... As long as we're quietly working away in the background, getting some kind of stability, bringing some youth talent in and buying players of the quality we have so far, i'm happy to see City et al go mental
  12. The Middle East really don't need to make money in the short-term, you know. If anything they need to find ways to spend money like hell short-term that could become something that isn't a massive loss-maker and can break even in the long-term. I know they don't need to make money, but the essence of an investment group is to invest money to make money, not to lose money short term and hopefully break even long term. I know that they are ridiculously cash-rich at present but i don't really understand the point in investing for the sake of investing just to hopefully break even long term. It's not like if they didn't invest it someone would come along and take it away from them... What happened to good old fashioned leaving your money in the bank for a rainy day?! I suppose the one thing they may hope for is positive western exposure...
  13. I still never really understand investment groups getting involved in footie. Don't see where they will make money which is what investment groups are supposed to do...
  14. Applies Europewide i'm pretty sure, hence Inter supposedly signing Quaresma today and Calderon saying Madrid would be making no more signings (If they couldn't make any it would seem a bit of an odd thing to say)
  15. Transfer deadline is often the single day that encapsulates being a toon fan... Loads of expectation and excitement make it all worthwhile before the inevitable disappointment as we reach midnight and snap up Gok Wan or whoever it was Man Utd released...
  16. Exactly this. On my own and absolutely swamped but can't stop F5ing and i've only been in half hour
  17. Absolute bollocks. Seems to have been pretty spot on tactically since he came back, operated without any open chequebook and with a pretty ragtag team at the beginning of his reign and throughout his first couple of seasons, relying on managerial skill and uncovering unknowns to get the team in a position to attract the top players and was the person who got us into the position in 96 in the first place. Also, didn't we have a better defensive record than ManYoo that season? Can't recall whether we had Peacock playing then or not?! Your opinion sounds like something that bint from the Guardian would write.
  18. I don't think it's necessarily a case of a lack of faith, but we've missed out on a few targets (allegedly) and there have been various tones in the last week alone, swinging from positive to negative and back again re transfers. I have complete faith in him as a manager but as he has stated once negotiations start he leaves the 3 amigos to it and if they fuck up then the transfer won't go through. He is relying on what they say. Whilst there will be a lot of people left looking silly if we pull off some ace signings there are also a fair few who'll look the same if we can't land our chosen targets. Personally, i'd rather a) wait and see what happens by Monday before making any judgments, b) judge on actions rather than words which is something Keegan has always encouraged and c) to be honest, go into the campaign with what we've got rather than scattergun it like Everton. Don't misinterpret caution as a lack of faith / trust, we all want the same thing, we've all been burnt before (by Keegan as well, this is the guy who walked out on us, no matter how much we all love him) and i think it's fair for people to be nervous without having accusations of a lack of faith in the manager / board / team. I support all 3, but refuse to take anything for granted until it's been confirmed.
  19. i'll be happier when i see those players come in... We heard this all from Roeder a couple of years back... To be honest just another 2 or 3 quality players and i'd be ecstatic... Edit: Not saying it won't happen, just going to be nervous til it does
  20. undisclosed apparently. Although i wouldn't touch Saha with a bargepole it gives me hope we could still pull a surprise or two out the bag as hadn't seen Saha linked with Everton a great deal. Re: Rossi - hasn't he been awesome for Vilareal?
  21. Warren Buffett loves giving his money to charity cases... i reckon we should all send him begmail for a few billion, no worthier cause
  22. so, who's going to go and fix wikipedia, i know some of you guys love doing that!
  23. Surely that had to mean Guitterrez as a playmaker???
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