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Everything posted by durhamunigeordie

  1. Its a good lesson for Simpson what happens when you reach for more and end up losing out. He will sign for a promoted team no doubt and end up in the same boat. Indeed, although I think Guthrie is better than Simpson (obviously not in direct comparison).
  2. No real reason for bumping this other than I was just wondering how much of a difference he would have made to us this year.
  3. He is a fraud though. I really don't care how well he conducts himself as a person or what a good role model for the youngsters he is, he's earned a lot of money for doing little more than fuck all and will most likely continue to do so. Any other striker with a record as bad as his would have played for a host of clubs, yet he's managed to do it solely for us. He could easily make 400 appearances ffs. The least he could do would be to look bothered and up for it when he comes on.
  4. Reckon it will be long before the players get sick of his shit? Perhaps they even have already.
  5. Got no time for him anymore. We won't do anything of note with him in charge.
  6. Feel for him. Not going to pretend I like/rate him as a player, but as a bloke he seems top draw and it is terrible to see this happen to anyone.
  7. Probably got the wrong letter mate, mine's the same as far as I know.
  8. 2 points Alan. Firstly, if that's the case, don't go around declaring immediately after a game that players will definitely start the next match. Secondly, don't pull the he was tired card when they guy you played ahead of him actually played about half an hour more in the match you were referring to. Yes Haidara had a few weeks out injured, but he looks a fit lad and Jonas had played 3 games in the previous 10 days. Don't say you didn't want to chuck him into a big game either - you did it with Fergie against Man U.
  9. Exactly. He categorically stated after Benfica that Haidara would start Sunday, but then as time passed he realised that this would mean there would be no place for one of his favourites and so bottled the big decision. His own big mouth was his undoing really, as having bemoaned our tiredness he couldn't really have left Gouffran out.
  10. Heard some mutterings that he has been carrying a knock for a while after the game. Maybe not been fit since Anzi?
  11. It was for me as well at the time, but the signings bought him a little time. Still think he should go at the end of the season. If we can keep this squad and add one or two there is no reason we can't challenge top 8 and have a go at a cup or two next time around.
  12. Was lively when he first came on. Forgot how much he can frustrate sometimes by giving the simple ball miles too late (did it once when he pinged a ball out to Marv when he could have given it 10 seconds earlier), but he's still a magician. Once the game was dead it was difficult for him though as it was pretty much up to him to score a worldy, or nothing would happen. Do wish he was more direct at times though.
  13. Can't pedal the we were tired excuse when you take one of the freshest pairs of legs we have off at half time for a bloke who can barely move.
  14. Tiote and Jonas will start though. We need a tackler in there don't you know.
  15. More embarrassing than anything that happened on the pitch today. Ashamed. Lost for words how people can fling glass bottles into a crowd like that. Scum. Exactly, amazing that picking up a glass bottle and chucking it in the general direction of other people can even go through your head as a viable idea.
  16. Weirdly losing today has made me more likely to go to this than had we won. £40 is still a farce though.
  17. Gouf was walking a tightrope with the yellow and want exactly obviously fire today. Would rather have seen Haidara come on at LB and Jonas pushed up.
  18. Indeed, got made to look silly a few times by Danny Graham. Without a doubt he will come good, but needs to work on the physical side of his game.
  19. Thought he was actually trying to do just this in the first half, but then faded second.
  20. Gouffran did absolutely f*** all in the first half though. Looked dangerous at the start, faded. Just needed a bit of a kick up the arse at half-time. Bringing on Shola was the complete opposite of 'the right thing to do'. Exactly, what a waste of a substitution to bring on a bloke that can barely move for the only bloke relatively fresh and someone who will run all day.
  21. Just been locked in WHSmith at central station waiting to get my train home. Loads of pissed up kids flooded in one of the wings in the station and had to be forced back. Then they were all giving it the big one out the front. Sad and embarrasing.
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