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Everything posted by durhamunigeordie

  1. Why has he booked colo there?! He's gone over as captain, moved everyone else away and had a quiet word. Lack of common sense.
  2. Can't get my head around Pardew's insistence on starting 4-4-2, he'll only have to change it at some point, I just hope we aren't already behind like we were 2 weeks ago.
  3. Very stressful. It was basically made very clear to me that I had to get quotes off of both managers. I thought I'd missed Edinburgh and had started to panic, but I found him in the bar and basically said 'I know you're having a pint, but it's my first game and I'll get a bollocking if I don't get anything off you' and he was very obliging. Urm, well it will be in the Non-League Paper - I think they do an online version, but you have to subscribe.
  4. Just got back from covering my first ever football game for a paper. Did Yate v Newport County in the FA Cup. Ended up missing kick off because my trains were delayed a couple of hours, had to sprint to the ground, my feature was doubled in length to 800 words owing to the result, had to frantically dash around to try and interview Justin Edinburgh, and then find a pub with wireless to get my report in for 6.30! Still, it has kept my mind off tomorrow's events!
  5. Pardew talks a fantastic game, doesn't he? Often a tad too much for my liking though and, rather unhelpfully, it's probably his best strength as a manager. Exactly, I hang off every word he says, but i'd much prefer it if he talked a bit less and actually put out a side that plays to our strengths from the off a bit more frequently.
  6. Pards in the Chronicle talking about how it is important not to start slowly. It's all very well him saying it, but he actually has to get the tactics right from the start for this to happen. I hope he does, but it is far from certain.
  7. Maybe, but actually prefer that we don't stoop to their level. Assume they will be bringing at least 2k over for them to bother opening up Level 7? Might make a bit of atmosphere in the ground and push the crowd to 35k.
  8. The corner where the away fans have been for the first two home Europa games has now gone on sale to home fans. Guessing they're either moving them to the opposite corner or even opening up Level 7 for this one.
  9. Surely the SD stuff will be largely replaced by the Wonga logo? They are still sponsoring after all and will have a visible presence you'd imagine, it's simply they have decided to revert to SJP.
  10. SSN just announced this. Taking the naming rights and calling it SJP again.
  11. See your point, but I guess the counter argument is that he's just played 7 games in 20 days and is taking the opportunity to unwind with a two week break until the next fixture (which he may well not be playing in). If he's going to go out during the season, last night was probably as good a time as any. He's married with kids isn't he so I doubt he's a nightclub regular?
  12. Cisse started on the right on Thursday night, so it was obviously something that AP has been considering in order to avoid sticking Ba out on the left.
  13. Lads around me were singing 'his name's, too long, to fit into a song, Ferguson, Ferguson'. (To the tune of 'he shoots, he scores...)
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