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Everything posted by durhamunigeordie

  1. Wouldn't worry about it, surely just a case of making the right noises. After all it would be weird if he was training given that he had pulled out of an international friendly injured.
  2. Do you know which ones mate? We were planning to get into town by about 9am but from what I can gather most pubs aren't opening until 10am. I know the likes of The Black garter will probably be open about 7 as usual but it's not really my cup of tea! The Black Garter isn't open until 9AM but is advertising free Wi-Fi! It's amazing the places that offer free wi-fi these days. I would love to see the reaction if a student went into one of this places, got a mac out and started using the net - maybe I will try it one day!
  3. Might pop along to Hartlepool and see how him and Smith are getting along on Saturday. Sad I know, but I hate saturdays without footy and with the derby being the next day it will be a slow afternoon otherwise.
  4. According to the online box office there are tickets available again for this.
  5. Just tucking into some Strawberry Syrup. French housemate ordered me some as a birthday present and it has just rocked up
  6. Yea maybe as a one off, but honestly most of his banter is absolutely terrible.
  7. What a terrible two weeks Wolves have had. They can dress it up all they like, but ultimately everyone knows that no one wanted the job. They have got rid of an experienced manager who, in my opinion, is more than half decent for a struggling premier league club and appointed someone with no managerial experience. It's also pretty likely that, having worked under McCarthy for the last 5 years, Terry Connor will have picked up a lot of 'McCarthy-isms'. I doubt he is going to try to stamp his authority on the squad with 13 games to go so in all likelihood it will still be McCarthy style management, just without Mick himself there. I suppose if we are looking for a moral in this tale it is the grass isn't always greener!
  8. I agree with every word in your post. I look forward to going to see flair players and the thought of having to watch Ryan Taylor is mind numbing. At least when he's covering for an injury you can justify him getting a game, in this instance you can't. Totally agree. The only position you could make a reasonable case for Raylor being a first choice is at right back, but even then I'd still rather have Simpson. It is always highlighted that he is a dead ball specialist, but surely between Demba, Cabaye and Hatem we'd just about be able to cover a couple of corners and the odd free kick in range!
  9. Looks like it will be a big crowd in for this one. Players with a point to prove after a 5 goal humping. Cisse, Ba, Cabaye and Tiote all on the same pitch for the first time ever. Manager-less opposition in terrible form. We all know what should happen, lets just hope that events will transpire in our favour.
  10. its set me back £16 to change it (eastcoast site MASSIVELY improved on its changing process, used to be a nightmare sorting it) which aint that bad, but im still fucking fuming as this makes my return £75, i was pissed off enough about £60. consolation if I had waited til now to book, instead of my £23 original ticket, i would have paid £36, so im actually only £3 down really. for the stress caused however when i found out about this, i feel a lot worse off Yeah they used to be a nightmare on there. Virgin trains isn't too bad - you just ring up, they refund your original purchase and then you buy a new ticket plus get charged a tenner for being able to do so. There is a train back on the Monday for a tenner cheaper than the one I booked on Sunday so probably won't cost me anything, the only problem is that I was all set to win a lot of brownie points for rocking up home for the first time in months on mothers day!
  11. Ah sure makes sense. It is pretty out of order. Luckily for me I can just pay a tenner to change my booking and go home a day later, but for those who have booked to come up specifically for the match it is a pretty poor show.
  12. Isn't Villa v Bolton already scheduled to be on Sky that day at 4pm?
  13. 6 games in a row on TV after the Wolves game. Not sure why I bother with a ST!
  14. Yea I think that is our most likely line up. There are obviously better options than Raylor on the right, but will just be happy to have Cabaye, Tiote, Demba and Papiss out on a pitch together for the first time ever.
  15. You have my sympathy mate. Everyone knows that there are some cereals that can be adequately replaced by an own brand variety and there are others that cannot under any circumstances. Coco pops are one such example, as are Weetabix. Shreddies and Bran Flakes on the other hand can be replaced by the likes of Malted Wheats, Malties etc.
  16. Just played basketball down at Maiden Castle in Durham. Hartlepool United squad sheet for Saturday's game was lying about in the changing room. Nobby Solano wasn't in the match day squad, but had to report to MC at 9.30 this morning with 3 others for a training session and then be at Victoria Park for 2 to watch the game. As if Nobby needs to be doing that on a Saturday morning!
  17. Asked when I went into the box office yesterday. The bloke working said that laters had already begun to be posted out and that it would be a 12 month direct debit.
  18. I'd love to see that tbh. I agree we'd muller them as well. Not worth hoping for it though, we all know it's going to be 4-4-2 with Taylor on the right. Indeed best to accept it now and spend some time getting used to it. I have already accepted Raylor will start on the right in the derby. Hopefully the 2 1/2 weeks between now and then will allow me time to come to terms with it, but I will still be pretty annoyed when I see the team sheet on the day and his name is in the starting lineup. I mean the kid couldn't get in our side when we were in the championship FFS.
  19. Aye, he does. Would still rather have Papiss in from the start.
  20. Could easily see Pardew using this an excuse to start Shola ahead of him in the derby.
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