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Everything posted by durhamunigeordie

  1. Exactly. Whilst I wouldn't condone any personal abuse ever, if he is going to be on twitter then he has to accept that there will be times when fans will be negative towards him and his performances.
  2. Just read some of his comments on twitter about the 'real' fans. I assume he was getting plenty of abuse on there and know what he is trying to say, but he should just be ignoring comments like that. Plenty of 'real' fans shelled out 40 quid for a ticket, a considerable amount more for travel/booze/accommodation and stood singing in the freezing cold for 90 minutes after the game had effectively been lost in the opening 5. Every right to be a bit pissed off about it.
  3. Be a good lad Danny and keep stalling on that new contract please. Then we can cash in and try to find someone who is capable at this level.
  4. Good noise from our lot then? Have heard a lot better but given that we were 5 down then it was excellent. Their were pockets of singers, but also quite a few sections of sitters down from the off - that isn't a criticism, people who have paid £40 for a ticket are more than entitled to do so, my point is merely that in my experience if there are lots that are sat down it tends to indicate that there are perhaps less regulars than usual and the atmosphere suffers a bit. The lads in the lower tier lead the Ramadan song down at the front - they really were going mental and it was going on for the last ten minutes. A couple of times it got quite loud when the upper tier joined in. I noticed Pardew kept looking over, so it must have been loud enough for him to hear. Like I said at the end he shook Harry's hand and was very quick to stride over and thank the fans so it was clearly noticeable.
  5. Tough afternoon at the office. Only just starting to get some feeling back into my feet. Pretty good display from our fans at the end there, but other than that not many positives to take. Ferguson's cameo is probably the only good think that I can think of to come out of this afternoon. Got to give some credit to Pards - made a point of coming straight over to the fans at the end to thank us. Then John Carver was going around making sure that the players all acknowledged the fans, again probably on Pardew's instructions. Doesn't make up for the 90 minutes that went before that, but it is this attention to detail I like about Pardew. I would go as far as saying that it actually lightened my mood a little. Obviously I was still pretty pissed off, but that definitely made me less angry about it all - it really annoys me how often players don't acknowledge the away fans properly, it wouldn't take much for them to at least look like they cared.
  6. Pardew on the official site saying we are unlikely to see him again this season.
  7. Love how no one on ITV cares about the match.
  8. Reckon Redknapp would take King to the Euros?
  9. Am sure it was meant to revert to twelve. I remember some of the lads being pissed off because we got our renewals in time for the deadline last season, but because we were moving from Level 7 and they weren't sorting out moves until after everyone else had decided whether they were moving we had no choice to do it over 9 months this season.
  10. Yea my first thought was Shola, sure I have seen that picture of him somewhere
  11. Hmmm shame for tonight as would like to see Spurs win, however, wouldn't be upsetting in the least if any of these missed saturday. That said players with niggles have a knack of recovering in time to play us, although Agbonlahor thankfully didn't at the weekend.
  12. Looked more lively in those 5 minutes than he did at any point in the previous 5 games. It is also not that hyperbolised a statement to suggest he did more positive things in that 5 minutes than he did on Wednesday night at Blackburn.
  13. Totally agree. I haven't seen it again other than live so may be wrong (will be watching the highlights later) but from memory wasn't Colo closer to N'Zogbia than Simpson? If that is right then surely it was him who was covering for Simpson by doing the RB's job and so Simpson should have been filling in for Colo in the middle rather than making his way toward N'Zogbia? As I said could be completely wrong, might have got it confused with the situation where Colo got across and headed N'Zogbia's cross out for a corner.
  14. Indeed. Earlier on in the half Colo had to go and cover for Simpson by getting across to N'Zogbia and closing down his cross (think it went out for a corner). He was simply doing the same thing again, whilst Simpson was ambling around aimlessly.
  15. To be fair that is just shoehorning our best XI available players into a starting XI - no harm in dreaming!
  16. Huge player for us. Managers rarely take him off when the game is tight as you know you can rely upon him. Perfect example was in injury time yesterday when Villa had the ball on the half line, Jonas read the pass, tackled him and went off on a run with the ball, keeping possession for a decent period of time.
  17. Yes it does it automatically mate, but the printed tickets say adult rather than student on. Think they had issues with setting up the student price band at the start of the season.
  18. It is very hard for me to say this but...I accept take Ryan Taylor starting centrally if it meant that Hatem and the Demba's both played.
  19. Would agree with Spurs, Chelsea and the first at Man City. Stoke, Blackburn and the second at city were all soft, although to varying degrees. The one at Fulham was equally soft and outside the box, but then we had that one at Wolves which was given as a free kick and should have been a penalty. Was there one more? The two we have had for us were also pretty dubious. There isn't one that I can point to that screams injustice - the closest thing I suppose would be the Fulham one as it was 1-0 at the time, but no real complaints in the end as we lost 5-2 and was surprised we didn't go down to ten men.
  20. Spot on. Would much rather watch Ben Arfa lose the ball trying to take a man on that the likes of Raylor, Simpson, Williamson etc pumping long balls all day for Shola to lose in the air, or Obertan trying to cut back inside when he has effectively already beaten the man.
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