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Everything posted by Pilko

  1. Pilko

    Massadio Haïdara

    Tell you what like, every time I see this lad I rate him less and less. Dummett has impressed me more.
  2. Finally o.g. comes up trumps for them.
  3. Martin Allen needs to get some fashion tips.
  4. Worst corner of the day was Anita in the second half, it barely went two feet off the ground and hit the first man.
  5. Elliot's positioning is fucking shite on that first goal. Good hit but it goes right into the middle of the goal ffs.
  6. With any luck they'll press the same button after our highlights.
  7. ITV's sound totally fucked up.
  8. The size of Martin Allen's kite in that fucking god awful sweater thing.
  9. Has the word 'dour' ever been used to describe anyone who isn't Scottish?
  10. Pilko

    Shola Ameobi

    I felt really sorry for Sammy - warming up on his own for pretty much the whole second half, only to be sat down and his lumbering useless cunt of an older brother put on instead.
  11. Pilko

    Steven Taylor

    First one out of the tunnel before kick off, does a couple of show-offy sprinting thingies and then runs right up to the Gallowgate and does a double fist-pump thing. And the worst bit is, the cunts in the crowd fucking applauded and cheered him for it. I wonder if the same tossers were clapping and laughing when this useless fucking arsehole completely lost Campbell for the Cardiff winner? I've absolutely had enough of this dick now. I really hope he doesn't feature at all and then gets sold in the summer.
  12. Once again, completely outdone by a relatively greenhorn manager. Obertan sub right after we scored was another level of retarded and then waiting til we were trailing after Cardiff changed it up, giving Remy a whopping 11 minutes and introducing Shola after having Sammy warm up all half. Fucking negative, cautious, clueless cunt. Wheels coming off again.
  13. 50p on every 3pm FA Cup team to score nets me £19,100. The magic of the cup?
  14. Fucking annoying how he's basically all but admitted Shola'll be off but keeps starting the cunt all the pissing time.
  15. He's not 'really bad' though he's a 6/10, standard as fuck reserve keeper. He's areet. The sort of player you don't want playing 30 games but he'll be fine for 4 or 5.
  16. No point risking Krul if he's slightly doubtful. Give Bobby Dilsh a game.
  17. Pilko

    U23s & Academy

    Gosling will be off to Blackpool this month anyway IMO. Richardson probably off somewhere else on loan at a guess.
  18. We've not won a trophy for a few years either so should we just resign from the FA Cup and save everyone the bother tomorrow? What a defeatist attitude.
  19. You're perfectly entitled to think he won't make it, I'm not 100% convinced that he will myself - just think it's daft binning him off at this moment right now when his development could really kick on with this loan spell (see also: Dummett).
  20. Aye, let's get a pittance for someone who could still be a decent player/fetch a canny fee in a year or two so we can buy Phil f***ing Jagielka eh? sounds like a plan. lets sell Brayson,Dalgleish..(add young striker who was clearly never gonna make it name here...) sorry...Campbell, a stirker who WILL NOT make it at PL level and sign a centre half to cover the most depleted part of out squad/postion. Good idea mate like it The fee we'd get for Campbell and wages we'd save wouldn't even come close to financing a senior signing. What's the point of selling him? As someone else said, Carroll wasn't rated by many at this point in his career. Campbell could still come good.
  21. Aye, let's get a pittance for someone who could still be a decent player/fetch a canny fee in a year or two so we can buy Phil fucking Jagielka eh?
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