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Everything posted by Pilko

  1. having kept track, I'm about £4 up. as someone said above, without free bets I'd be well down
  2. Fucking cunts. I bet on Cameroon, they're shite. I bet against them, they're class.
  3. Rommedahl is the ultimate speed merchant.
  4. 1-0 Denmark Bendtner to score in a Denmark win First goal direct from a free kick £1-2 on each, forget the exact amounts.
  5. He's like Louis XVI. Something isn't working, the people from above, below, and around him are crying out for change, so what does he do? He sticks by his guns and jams his fingers firmly in his ears. Bet most of the Frogs are gutted that this twat won't be shoved into a guillotine though, like Louis was.
  6. Is Bendtner starting for Denmark? For betting purposes.
  7. Pilko

    Emile Heskey

    For the record I've not said Heskey should keep his place, I was merely pointing out that he's been the best player so far, regardless of the formation, tactics etc. There's no getting away from that, and anyone who says otherwise is either biased or stupid. Fwiw I think the 4-5-1 against Slovenia could be effective is gaining us the win.
  8. Pilko

    Emile Heskey

    He's been the best England player in both group games by a country mile. Last night, the only player to come close was Barry.
  9. And of course it was Graham Poll who failed to send Simunic off in 2006 too, although it didn't matter greatly in the end.
  10. Clearly the ball didn't hit Kewell's arm. If it had, his arm would have shattered and fallen to the floor in bits - remember that he is made of glass, folks.
  11. Never liked Kewell, Cahill or Neil. All first class twits. Agreed.
  12. Kingson has been signed by Steve Bruce twice, for Wigan and Birmingham... think both times he's made about 3 appearances, made some howlers and been released. Fulop's leaving the mackems, hopefully a vacancy there for him to fill...
  13. http://img532.imageshack.us/img532/6731/angolar.png Wish Angola shirts were cheaper, I'd well buy one. I'd get AKWA on the back too.
  14. None out of two ain't bad.
  15. No he doesn't, the *2000 ones denote players who made their debut before 2000 but played minutes for us during 2000.
  16. Let's not forget the "Can we have him back in one piece?" advert with Owen before the 06 WC.
  17. A thoroughly toothless display last night. Rooney and Johnson in particular served up totally gutless performances, the latter in particular wants to be strung up by his testicles and shot. Apologies go to the ever bustling Heskey for winning us possession around the box on a number of occasions, and tracking back to plug our weak right flank, to Gareth Barry who covered for the hapless Carragher on several occasions, and also to James in goal who had to stand and watch that display for an hour and a half. Poor bastard. Partial pardons go to Crouch and Defoe for being given a whole eight minutes together as a partnership to try and rescue the game. At least Jermaine had a few shots (something Gerrard seemed scared to do) and Crouchy had a few good runs down the flanks to try and salvage something. Not sure how I'd go for the next game if I was Fabio. Really am starting to struggle to see a reason to even play Rooney in this next game, as he clearly doesn't even give a toss. The passion, fire, over-zealous tracking back and general attitude we see week in for Man United... where was that last night? The little cunt had no right to shout to the camera about the fans, unless he fancies refunding them all for spending thousands of pounds to watch the tripe he and his colleagues served up.
  18. I do a mean Crouchy robot actually.
  19. What happened with the players leaving Domenech on his own or something? Missed that. has there been another French Revolution?
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