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Everything posted by Pilko

  1. Forest 1-0 up at the break. cocknobs
  2. Lowes and Lockwood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noOHdTQd6H8&feature=related
  3. That is no way to speak to an established poster like Skirge. Hang your head in shame.
  4. ...and Moncur refuses to give any praise. Which means it was good. It's amazing how negative he is compared to Lockwood. It's like Nasser Hussain compared to Mike Atherton and Bumble on the cricket, he's a miserable negative little whinger too.
  5. Calm down Greg, get yourself to the shop, there's a good lad.
  6. Southampton 0-1 Hartlepool :lol:
  7. I thought that was supposed to be a bit of a myth, the whole "they only turn up against better sides"? They've trounced some poorer sides at home. It should be said that my mate is far from the most reliable of sources when it comes to football (or owt else, for that matter) Skirge?
  8. http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2009/6/9/1244578202694/Newcastle-firesale-Nicky--010.jpg
  9. Donny's sub keeper is former a Newcastle junior and Whitley High attendee.
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