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Everything posted by dinotheprehistoricgeordie

  1. Caicedo is a total donkey. £6m for an unkown striker who had hardly scored even in the Swiss league? I suspect some dodgy dealings went on there. City should take him off, put Robinho in the middle and stick Petrov on the left wing. Dunne needs to come off before he gets a red card too, I'd drop Kompany back and put a more attack minded player in. oooops He is a donkey, he's their bloody Ameobi. He might score but he's still such an awful awful player.
  2. I just can't see us beating tottenham, hate the fact we are depnding on other teams fucking up to keep us in it now especially as we have the worst run of games out of the teams surrounding us
  3. City are so frustrating to watch. A few good touches/ passes then someone screws up. Caicedo's been shocking and so has Dunne he's lucky to still be playing.
  4. .. he's 23 dawg i made his username cos he was pissing about debating what to be called. i got impatient and made some s*** up and pressed 'next'. win. 23 with the knees of a 50 year old............I'm a centre back in the mold of Bruno Alves
  5. Alvez will still be a donkey. Don't worry. Thing is though I had written off Bolton and Fulham last year and they both went on stupidly good winning streaks around this point of the season. I cant see West Brom coming back but Boro still have a chance. It's our turn to go on a "stupidly good winning streak" hopefully. What's this "win" thing you speak about good sir? It's another one of those things we used to do under the old board apparently. It makes me miss Shepard soooo much
  6. Was watching the Arsenal match but is it just me or is the picture a bit crap? I'll switch over to watch the mancs lose
  7. So you need another defender? Perfect for dino! Get in! I get to embarass myself in front of a group of strangers
  8. Alvez will still be a donkey. Don't worry. Thing is though I had written off Bolton and Fulham last year and they both went on stupidly good winning streaks around this point of the season. I cant see West Brom coming back but Boro still have a chance.
  9. Well if there is a place I can play as centre back of full back. I am fairly shit and unfit but am probably better than titus bramble.
  10. Not sure which match to watch tonight. Amannoyed with ITV for getting two games tonight and none tomorrow
  11. Draw a win for Boro might galvenize them
  12. Still glad MON didnt put more weight in the UEFA? Yes. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, though, isn't it? He had a difficult decision and he made the right one. It didn't work out the way he hoped it would do, but I think he made the right call at the time. I thought we were very good today, but we need to f***ing shut up shop and defend a lead at times. They were doing well until the second goal which came out of nowhere. Nine times out of ten that shot would have either went wide or have been saved.
  13. Wouldn't it be Solskjaer he'd have to sit with to discuss that? I don't think he was conducting negotiations during the match Probably managed to contain himself until the game was done. Dowie: "I want that player." Solskjaer: "That's Ronaldo." Dowie: "Who?" Solskjaer: "Cristiano Ronaldo?" Dowie: ""
  14. Unlucky mate I was really hoping you'd fuck them over.
  15. Wouldn't it be Solskjaer he'd have to sit with to discuss that? I don't think he was conducting negotiations during the match Probably managed to contain himself until the game was done.
  16. Does Rio typically do the transfer negotiations? Don't you know? He's the brains behind the entire operation. Rio for the next toon manager
  17. DOn't know if this has been mentioned but did anyone see Dowie sitting with Rio? Possible loan of one of their kids or is it too late in the season for that?
  18. I reckon a few of use should bookmark this page and if we stay up make a few comments. Bonus if they go down in our place.
  19. Don't know why people are doubting he'll stay on after they sacked Wise. If that isn't paving the way for Shearer to stay then I don't know what is.
  20. ;D ;D ;D :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: ;D ;D ;D It's Shearer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last time I was this chuffed it was with Kev I hope there's a happy ending this time. Lets fucking KILL Chelsea!!!!!!!! :clap2: :clap2:
  21. How can it be a bad thing??? Dunno he could be shit at managing and everyone will hate him for evermore
  22. Is this a good thing or a bad thing!?!?! Is this a good thing or a bad thing!?!??! :frantic: :frantic: :frantic:
  23. One says groin then Hughton says hip I think. First ones right probably it would be unlike Hughton to get anything right.
  24. Naa deffo a woman mate. Fairly good looking one actually.
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