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Everything posted by dinotheprehistoricgeordie

  1. FYP No. Just no. Alves yes, Drogba yes and Malouda yes. Go have a quick google of "Messi Hand of God" Cheating f***ing c***. Drogba's play acting is nothing compared to punching the ball in the net tbh. Sorry thought you were commenting on the game now as we're on the games today thread.
  2. FYP No. Just no. Alves yes, Drogba yes and Malouda yes.
  3. I think I've ran out of it for the time being. You can blame everyone from the owner to the players but you can't do anything about it. The noise was good tonight (especially in the first half) my throats raw from shouting we as fans are absolutly powerless. I've got a headache and a half now I'm dreading Liverpool. I almost wish it was over because this is going to be drawn out for at least another 2 weeks.
  4. Just came back from the game I'm so gutted. Still cant belive Owen missed that chance I thought the only thing he could do these days was finish. I reckon thats about it for Newcastle united playing in the premier league for a few years. I chose B.
  5. I'm expecting them to win as results have just been too good for us this wk end.
  6. Hangeland (sp?) has been really decent this season I wonder what his price tag is now.
  7. I was worried that the Mancs would have the title wrapped up by the end of the season leading them to field a crap squad against Hull but it looks like it’ll go till the last game this season too.
  8. Probably will buy it when it's reduced down to a fiver at sport soccer or some such.
  9. I think he does that to stop a girly squeal eascaping his lips
  10. We could effectively end it for them if Man Utd win their next two games. How funny would it be if the mighty Newcastle United ended their title hopes
  11. I was hoping for a Liverpool loss as maybe they wont s*** on us so much if Man U have or practically have won the title.............
  12. 3-2 Real. Getafe missed a pen in the final minutes and Real scored a few seconds later. Ah for fooks sake last I saw they were losing. I hate Real.
  13. Anyone have the final score for Real Madrid?
  14. Liverpool have been plaing really well with Benayoun(sp?) their star player
  15. Scored on the weekend in the East Anglia derby Sign him. He'll be cheap and maybr not that crap. He's quite good and won't be cheap at all. I mean since when are 19 year olds with double digit caps for a major international nation cheap? I just assumed he'd be one of the players Arry would be shifting in the summer due to not breaking into the team.
  16. Scored on the weekend in the East Anglia derby Sign him. He'll be cheap and maybr not that crap.
  17. Anyone know how Gio dos Santos has been doing in the Championship? Creative mid with potential for cheap maybe?
  18. I'm generally pretty optimistic but I doubted we would get anything yet it wasn't the fact that we lost that is so disappointing it was our performance. We were awful and we've not been getting better I just cant see us beating Portsmouth or Fulham.
  19. My head feels as if its going to explode, I've got the mother of all head aches after watching that shit. The first half performance was so poor I couldn't belive they only put 1 past us, we cant pass, we cant defend, and apparently we've got a great strike in the form of Mr Owen who would score if only he got some better service. Well he isn't so he's not doing a fucking thing on the pitch. Drop the bastard and maybe just maybe we might crawl out of the relegation zone. Doubt it though. Also whats with the constant shitty back passing? I can understand if you're under pressure but for fucks sake with 5 mins to go standing by yourself why are you passing it to your keeper
  20. It'll be nice to get it out of the way because I just cant stand watching too many more games like today.
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