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Everything posted by dinotheprehistoricgeordie

  1. Wait Takeover - Shearer - Potential good will prices from new owners Plenty of reasons to wait! Yeah thats what I was thinking. That is if the take over EVER happens
  2. Dissapointed but not surprised. Still getting one but I'm not sure if I should wait in case they pull some sort of deal out of the bag.
  3. Also Nathan Dyer to Swansea. How good is this lad? Heard a few recommendations for him on this site. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11688_5359874,00.html
  4. Well I didn't see that coming. 12 mil is pretty cheap as well!
  5. If Shearer doesn't end up staying it's unlikley Martinez will be free http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11688_5358272,00.html
  6. How will a sale to another owner affect the loan we have to pay back to Ashley?
  7. Lauri Dalla Valle from Liverpool FM legend. Supposed to be the next Torres according to the media. Gio dos Santos would be nice as well.
  8. Whatever happens I will be buying my first season ticket evaaaa.
  9. They need to get this sorted sharpish one way or another. We're allready a few weeks behind all the other championship teams in terms of preperation. Add the fact we need to sell before we buy we could be held to ransom by other teams who aren't in a particular hurry.
  10. I'm gutted. Strangly I've been getting more and more angry as the day has passed. We're not going to get rid of the over paid wankers in our club because we're down. It's exactly the opposite they're going to stay until their contract runs out and choke this club to death. The only good thing about this whole mess is that it will make football manager more innteresting.
  11. Would it be worth playing him as a fullback in the future? I don't really remember how well he's played in the position. Anywho I'm impressed with his character. Good on him gives me some optimisim for the future.
  12. Will be watching it in Edinburgh surrounded by people who don't care/ want us to go down
  13. We shouldn't be tbh, we've just been stupidly lucky with other results. I mean we could possibly survive with 35 points. What was the cut off last year anyone?
  14. They need to direct it at Ashley though. 'Epic Fail' is too general. Also a bit too 'lolz on teh internets' if ya ask me. I reckon there are more people to blame than just Ashley. Mr Kegan and the entire first team spring to mind. Oh bloody hell. Just my opinion mate Without looking to start a debate, Ashley is responsible for employing the people who advise him, as well bringing in Keegan and Wise and backing Wise over KK. He is also responsible for failing to give managers the money they required to improve the awful squad you see today. He is the root of all of our problems. Ok well I like epic fail as it is general and can stand for this entire season including our shit cup runs that had us failing to beat Hull. Let's leave it at that.
  15. They need to direct it at Ashley though. 'Epic Fail' is too general. Also a bit too 'lolz on teh internets' if ya ask me. I reckon there are more people to blame than just Ashley. Mr Kegan and the entire first team spring to mind. Oh bloody hell. Just my opinion mate
  16. They need to direct it at Ashley though. 'Epic Fail' is too general. Also a bit too 'lolz on teh internets' if ya ask me. I reckon there are more people to blame than just Ashley. Mr Kegan and the entire first team spring to mind.
  17. It will be like a cup final for the teams listed and others when Newcastle United roll into town! Yeah it'll be like we're Man U or summat. Can just imagine Shearer having a Fergie style interview followed by random championship manager having a Kegan rant 'I would LOVE IT if we got promoted instead of them!'
  18. Beating Villa at home and Jonas going mental made me all warm and fuzzy inside.
  19. Oh dear... Well, there's an incentive. Hang on there bonny lad.... hasn't the real father got a say in the matter ? Naaa he's in prison.
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