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Everything posted by dinotheprehistoricgeordie

  1. I missed this, what did he do? Was waving his hands trying to get the crowd going. Ah, ok.
  2. I was perplexed that he wasn't a starter at the beginning of the season. He's just so good.
  3. That's one good half of football, let's hope they keep it up after the break. Perez is so good. Not particularly impressed with Mitrovic so far, but we're winning so fuck it.
  4. I've got the answer, I put two of their players in my fantasy team.
  5. It's almost as if Citeh have taken some dough from Sky to keep the title race alive for longer......... I could believe it if they didn't have all the money already.
  6. Welp, so much for the title race being over. Man U to win it in surprise plot twist.
  7. This is what's really happening behind Steve's smile. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/962/640/658.png
  8. Only logical thing that could have happened is that the manager and player have had a falling out. There is no other intelligent reason to loan the kid.
  9. So many aimless crosses into the box. Wish Mitrovic had kept his cool against Arsenal, he could have made a difference today.
  10. Defo's been really good. Impressed with Sunderland so far.
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