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Everything posted by dinotheprehistoricgeordie

  1. Proper They should erect a stadium to Howe now.
  2. People who keep going to the games because it's a hobby, or a habit, or claim to love the club too much to miss a game are talking bollocks. You don't love the club, you are complicit in the degradation of your club. You love your self and your hobby.
  3. :lol: Gotta go back months to find some shit to use as momentum.
  4. That's actually really impressive. I was really down hearted when I saw some of the pics, but that's less than 40K.
  5. If anything this should galvanise more people to join the Ashley out campaign. I mean, look what an 'amazing' manager Pardew is under an owner who has ambition
  6. We are the worst team in any top league. Truth. I would be so much happier now f we'd managed a shitty draw last week.
  7. Booked my holiday over this weekend. Completely forgot, FML. Hope you have a great day lads.
  8. In what sense? Are they behind the campaign and the boycotting of the Tottenham game?. Basically is the Ashley out campaign a feeling that's localised to this community or are other fans feeling like we are. Ah right I see, don't know. Its not just on here its all over Facebook and twitter, couple of nationals have mentioned it and BTsport are talking about it on twitter at the minute.
  9. In what sense? Are they behind the campaign and the boycotting of the Tottenham game?. Basically is the Ashley out campaign a feeling that's localised to this community or are other fans feeling like we are.
  10. Anyone know how the Toontastic lot are feeling about this?
  11. So what's the solution pal? We'll hand oot loads of flyers outside the ground, demanding people don't gan to the game. Maybe we can get a massive white bedsheet, and scrawl: "Ashley You've gone Full Retard" on it. Wave it in front of the Sky Cameras outside the ground. That'll shake Ashley to the core, no doubt about it. And then if he's not left by then -next season hopefully we'll get relegated and then Ashley will fuck off. And then according to the Board, everything will be fantastic. Sounds like a plan that has no flaws at all. Great stuff. Nah, mate. The solution is to bend over, lube up and let him keep fucking us. But not just that, we can also criticise the people who are sick of getting fucked and are actively trying to improve the situation of their club. I guess some of us just like it up the arse more than others.
  12. Ameobi who gave the ball away for the hundredth time and laughed in Cabella's face when pulled on it? The runt's a disgrace to the shirt. Shit player, heart of a sheep. They all fucking gave the ball away. Agree with you on the laughing, that was fucking annoying.
  13. I'm so angry I've actually been fantasising about choking Ashley out. FML football isn't worth this aggravation. Fair play to Sunderland, they more than deserved their win. Carver and our team should be ashamed. That was excruciatingly bad.
  14. This is just another game to be tolerated.
  15. Nope Allen's was in a dangerous position. A tactical foul. Most of Fellaini's fouls are in the opposition area. It's just the sheer volume. . Does it matter what area of the field it occurs? You really do talk guff. It does matter what area of the field it occurs like Does it bollocks unless it's a last man scenario. Which Allen's clearly wasn't. It shouldn't but it does. There are plenty of examples where a foul in the box is ignored, and would be given if it was in another area of the pitch.
  16. :lol: Just did an actual spit take. Dave
  17. If you have an account you should steal that Villa + Sunderland badge the RTG lot made when Villa sent us down.
  18. Link me up please! Doing some competitor research on banking content at the moment. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10153703712067814 That's my parents house at the start. They were filming there a few weeks ago.
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