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Everything posted by dinotheprehistoricgeordie

  1. He didn't have a choice did he? I thought Wigan never accepted our offer.
  2. There's an Everton fan at work who actually almost makes me hate football with his boring football trivia and stats. I just want to be chummy-chum-chums.
  3. It's scary how similar footy fans can be to computer nerds....
  4. Nah, he is more the perfect example of why the supporters of Newcastle get so much stick. It's ridiculous to have a go like this on one of our biggest talents. 'One of our biggest talents.' Mega lolz m8, mega lolz. Well as youth talent goes he probably is one of our biggest talents. Our academy is a bit rubbish though.
  5. Brilliant The majority of the thread is gold.
  6. I think Wigan have disproven this statement.
  7. Lucky he didn't get a tattoo before hand or he would be in a heap of trouble
  8. or his knob. That would be better than Tiote bumming Leon
  9. IF Shola & Carroll are fit nailed on he won't even be on the bench. True, still would be a nice fuck you to the people giving him grief
  10. Would love it if Nile scored against the mackems and whipped out the tat
  11. The whole act. It just screams 'look at me, aren't I hard as nails' - it's like being back in the school playground. A smiley face on his lip screams 'look how hard I am'? I would have thought a knife or uzi or a tank would make him look much harder
  12. I've tried applying logic and couldn't come up with any possible sane answer. The issue is he didn't hit the ball properly against West Ham. If he'd did that it wouldn't matter that he's got a tatto.
  13. Find it funny people are in uproar over Nile's tat as it's 'childish' but are fine with Carroll getting wasted and falling over while injured. It's absolute bollocks like, Carroll can do whatever he likes because he's scoring and he loves the club (let's ignore he wasn't thinking about the club when he hit some lass and ran the risk of getting himself locked up). But hey Nile's being childish so you know what? I'll tell him he's a dick on twitter that'll learn him
  14. Why the do you care so much? It's a smiley face not a fucking swastika
  15. Quotes! What a stupid thing to do congrats man insult our players
  16. I thought he played well for us in the Championship when we were starting with and Carroll at the beginning of the season. His link up play was a lot better than Andy's but in front of goal he was never as much of a threat. Since then Andy's grown in leaps and bounds obviously but I think Ranger is at the same level as he was in the championship. He needs a loan spell to help him develop as a player but at the end of the day it is up to him. It appears to me that he likes the life style of a footballer more than the game it's self, which is a shame but not hugely surprising. Still I don't know the lad so I could be spouting absolute bollocks. I do think people are being overly harsh on him though. At the end of the day he's a teenager with a stupid amount of money at his disposal, which isn't the best mix unless you have a group of people you trust to keep you grounded. He's got the potential but it's down to his mentality. I'd love to see him make it but I don't think he will do it here. I don't think Pardew's approach will help him, he seems less likely to put up with his faults / mistakes. I think he would have done better with Hughton's more 'nurturing' style of management.
  17. I've heard he is fairly inconsistent and a bit of a sulk. Can anyone comment?
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