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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Adam Bartlett played for our stiffs did he not?
  2. Rise above criticism? Fuck off you conceited tapeworm.
  3. Anyone seen the home kit doing the rounds on twitter? First supposed "leak" I've seen. Top half is almost all black.
  4. Please please please let it be that the mong has actually gone and said that! He's trying his best to get sacked lads. It's getting obvious now.
  5. Proof is in the pudding. Players like Ben Arfa are the reason football is a spectator sport. The fact that the fraud won't play him, and would rather play vindictive/show them who's boss games with him, his teammates and the club is evidence that Pardew knows nowt about football. f*** all to do with the region and NUFC's special fans or their demands. When you have a player like Ben Arfa you play him much more often than not. Simple as.
  6. I like the shirt. What I don't like is the grey shorts and socks. As a whole get-up it just doesn't work. Depressing indeed.
  7. Something dodgy surely has to be going on. It can't as simple as Ashley believing in Al Pards as a manager, and therefore keeping him in a job. There's got to be more to it than that. The whole thing stinks to high heaven, from his shocking appointment to the "this ones fur mike" dedications, to the near total silence from the club after the sale of Cabaye and the headbutt incident.
  8. Also didn't win the Champions League And this one didn't even play for us...
  9. New protest board in a separate section now.
  10. I really dont remember either of the above twats ever being as arrogant and self-aggrandizing as the twat currently in charge? Might be selective memory, but apart from how badly Souness handled the Bellamy situation, I don't ever remember this much random meaningless shit coming out of either of their mouths.
  11. Fucking great of Ben Arfa to request the interview and speak with such heart-warming honesty. Makes a massive change from the usual coached and clicheed bollocks we hear from Al Pards and his entourage. The comparisons with Keegan are spot on. Two people who understand that football is about happiness and love. That is a recurring theme when people of that calibre speak about the beautiful game. It is the very reason Ben Arfa has become such a talented player - his attitude to the game. With all the over-coaching and over-analyzing of everything nowadays, this kind of attitude and skill is such a precious little treasure. We have one of our own. Let's hope he's still here next season with a new manager in charge. Go fuck yourself Pardew.
  12. There's nowt to evaluate! If we haven't been watching our own player while he's been out on loan, then we might as well fold the club and go home. Deciding to keep him next season and play him is akin to directly signing him from Panathinaikos if he wasn't on loan.
  13. Snodgrass would be an ideal understudy for HBA too. Two completely different players, mind. Snograss is a kind of a poor man's Cabaye with a bit of physicality. Only ever seen him out wide for Norwich, but I think he would fit in well as the most advanced midfielder. Bags goals and assists and can hit a mean set piece.
  14. They camped in Real's defensive third from kick off. Made it easy to defend against them. Should have held back on the half way or even deeper a bit more, to try and find a chink in Real's armour. Bayern move the ball so well they could have easily swept passes through an open hole to hurt Madrid. As it were, they were too high up the field and with pace like that of Ronaldo and Bale, they were fucked.
  15. One-liner Ronaldo is all the same to me. It's when he unleashes full sentences that go beyond 7 words and a smiley that I find him loveable.
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