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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. The answer is in your first paragraph
  2. Its not exactly a witch-hunt. People are rightly pointing out that we've conceded quite a few goals recently that have come from his being nowhere near his marker. He's also produced some good last-ditch saving tackles and blocks, and has been a decent threat in attack. The mistakes lead directly to goals though and someone else should get a fair crack in his place.
  3. He is a man mountain and without doubt our most important player
  4. He isn't infallible in footballing terms by any means. He makes mistakes and he's the first to know when he's made a mistake. He is infallible however in terms of his leadership, character and integrity. I'd sooner go down with him in charge, get bought out in the summer and kick on from there than replacing him now with some run-of-the-mill mug on a short term appointment that keeps us up. Also, we needed a squad in the summer and 45M is nothing these days when you need to bring 6 or 7 in. I'm sure he was promised more money anyway and never got it (keeper, striker, 10). I think people are still reeling from the Kinnear/Pardew/Carver/McLaren debacle, and to have a man of his stature leading the club is some kind of elixir on healing wounds, especially that he's pretty much the only positive selling point we have at the moment.
  5. No respect That's him never coming back here. Grade A twat.
  6. No Jones - my team isn't even playing. I have him as well. That does it. Getting rid of all players from the top clubs apart from Kane.
  7. Not a chance. There is a chance, but it's Islim one. Yeah bitches, I too have joined the ranks of s*** pun droppers. Up yours. Obvious Slimani might be an issue. We don't have much of it.
  8. Then he'll have moments like he did at Man City and West Ham where he makes vital passes that lead to us scoring. I agree with the last few posts though. We have conceded too many now from him failing to stick to his marker and being outjumped due to bad timing.
  9. Probably one of Rafa's first conditions of looking at an emergency keeper at this stage of the season.
  10. Reminds me of when Ben Ali and his family were stuck in the air looking for place of asylum after they fled Tunisia. Francis?
  11. Please never come back to NUFC. Ever. Be funny if he turned out to be the new Guardiola at the end of his playing career and came back to manage us to CL glory Nah. Way too thick for management.
  12. How did front-foot attack minded al pards get on at Man City? Wonder if that cunt Carragher will be disgusted by the stats once again.
  13. Yup. Dummett looks like a vegan in a butcher shop. Just an awful player, and not very good defender either. Yedlin made more mistakes than the rest of the team combined. He's going backwards in a big way. The less said about Joselu the better
  14. Good stuff. Pecchia will be able to tell Rafa if he's actually much cop.
  15. 2 loans allowed FROM THE PREMIER LEAGUE.
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