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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. To be fair the whole season has been a mixed bag of marginal incidents such as the above. Could also point to Cisse's wrongly ruled out goal against the mackems, as well as Wigan's last minute handball winner, Ba's handball away at Reading, horrendous officiating away at Everton etc...All decisions which contributed towards or conspired against us getting/losing points. On the whole though I'd say we've been unlucky especially with the injury situation on top of the above.
  2. Work starts on Monday? fuck off. Better start getting to the bottom of this starting tonight ffs!
  3. Shocking how badly drilled and organized we look. There is no motivation and embarrassingly deficient fitness levels. Two incidents stuck in my head after the game had already been lost: - Cisse was harassing their defenders, chasing after the ball, only to look back and see no one else was helping put pressure. Carragher. JAMIE f***ing CARRAGHER, got 3 or 4 full seconds on the ball with no one anywhere near him. - Towards the end, Haidara made a lung busting dash down the line, taking on 3 or 4 players at once, and NONE of our players were running with him to give him an outlet. Sorry like, but this is a management problem. It's also a training problem. It's a preparation problem, and a motivation problem. Professional football sides are not permitted to be this bad at executing the basics. It's borderline criminal with the wages the players earn. I'm convinced the performance was a coup by the players to overthrow the manager. There is no other explanation for how bad it was. 100% convinced.
  4. Bitterness just oozes out of him at times with us. What's he been saying? I did think at HT he was not all there in his head
  5. He clearly bailed out on the side today. Didn't want to be part of that shower of shite, and I don't blame him. He's a professional though, and you cannot do that. There are bigger things to worry about at the moment though.
  6. Surely the owner/MD/and other senior staff at the club can feel how sacking this manager will galvanize the fans for the last 3 matches? It's way too late for Pardew to have any effect on our performances now. To Ashley: You enjoy a bit of a gamble. Get rid of this cunt now to keep the fans on your side, and take the gamble that Wigan will not catch us.
  7. The players very obviously stopped playing for him. After the 4th goal, there was a marked collective drop in their attitude. Unforgivable because you must play to the final whistle, but I much rather there was unity in the dressing room than for them to come out against Pardew in the press. He will be sacked on Monday. I'm certain of that. No manager survives a loss of the dressing room.
  8. Liverpool didn't even get out of second gear did they? Not taking anything away from their performance at all, but our defending was absolutely shocking. Coutinho MOTM by a country mile. Sensational without having to really put too much effort in. Well done to them, and if their beating us 0-6 at home means Pardew f***s off I vow to never spew hatred towards LFC again. May have done us a huge favor here.
  9. Absolutely. Bar none. Never ever seen anything like it in 22 years. Never. He must simply resign immediately.
  10. I swear if he brings Ameobi on or takes Haidara off and moves Jonas to LB, I will....I don't even know...
  11. Huge mistake coming out the way he did for their second goal.
  12. Crowd inside SJP has a massive role to play today. Have to make it known that this fraud isn't wanted. Donkey in a suit with a notepad.
  13. Not if he doesn't clean up his act he won't. I hope he does tbh as he's an immense talent.
  14. I know it's not an exact comparison, but you only have to look at the problems that Balotelli and Adriano caused for their respective big clubs that saw them unwanted and sold, without any of this fuckwittery, and I would say they had as much talent as Suarez does. Balotelli will not last at AC if he continues to act the prick, and Adriano could have been so much more.
  15. http://www.redandwhitekop.com/forum/index.php?topic=304300.0
  16. Still don't get this "Pardew is a PR guru" stuff. The man is rubbish at interviews. Very uninspiring run of the mill rent-a-quote. Winning or losing.
  17. who dis? http://www.flickr.com/photos/40191515@N05/8679932733/in/photostream/
  18. Bunch of halfwits. Suarez is as much a great player as he is a scummy cheat of a human being. Not really hard to see and the fans look like total idiots being so blind to it. I take back any feeling I had for their fans upon this reaction. Suarez is a morbid disease, and the sooner he fucks off from this league the better.
  19. Mind blowing response from BR there! I really believed they would keep schtum whatever the decision, and avoid the embarrassment they have just heaped on top of embarrassment Still don't believe the player is getting enough punishment myself. This will hurt the fans and the club a lot more. To think I felt a bit sorry for them, and then Rodgers comes out with that survival cack Fuck em. Fuck em all. Except Wacko.
  20. Far left really reminds me of someone too but can't pinpoint it. Spawn of Skrtl, Hangeland and Mikel Beck.
  21. Agree completely. No need for a fucking DVD either.
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