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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Fuck me APOEL take the lead away at Shaktar!! Bedlam in Cyprus!
  2. Becoming very prick-ish there. f*** him and the pile of s*** of a club he's scurried off to. Made for each other.
  3. Willing APOEL on to win tonight. A draw would be decent away in Ukraine either way. Be good to see local clubs doing well in the CL.
  4. The funding is totally irrelevant as the answer is in short, someone. The going concern issue isn't as clean cut as you're making out either, I see far worse balance sheets weekly and I know you won't be surprised to know that many still continue to trade long after the event. Shepherd claims they weren't as bad as made out and he always had a plan, could be more bullshit, could be true, whatever, it's irrelevant. I'm talking about Mike Ashley, his mistakes, the price he's paying and the mistakes he's still making, I made a point about the sponsorship, you defended him, that's your prerogative, just as it all the nuggets who defend him for anything and everything, much of what they haven't got the first idea about. I like most of the players, I too like the Manager , I don't like being patronised and treat with utter contemt which is why I have given up my season ticket and won't ever return under this ownership, but that's my choice, just as it those who think f*** it, I'm supporting the team even though I hate him, or even those who say don't use lube Derek, just ram it in. One last point, he wouldn't have to stick as much in if he showed a little ambition, communicated with the fans instead of taking them for granted (at best) and got some f***ing sponsorship money in for starters. Instead we'd be talking full houses, happy fans and decent corporate partners, but this is Mike Ashley, he doesn't give a f*** what we think.
  5. Has this lad finished on the losing side yet? Lucky charm if there ever was one
  6. Bad time to play them now they've hit a run of form. Hopefully SJP will be well up for this. 3 games in 10 days, the crowd needs to roar the team on to a win. 1-0 S Taylor
  7. Ameobi sandwich Must be a great feeling celebrating a winner for NUFC with your bairn brother. Legends
  8. Coloccini wins hands down tbh. The other two still have a long way to go to match what this guy has done for us so far.
  9. What a man beast Colo is Absolutely top class player. Must.Sign.New.Contract.NOW!!
  10. Fucking get the fuck in!!!!!! Fucking love you Captain Colo!!!!!! :colo:
  11. Personally I don't think players from different era's can be compared, at least until both have finished playing. Although Rooney imo is up there with the very best in the world, I won't judge him until he's hung his boots up. Additionally, I think Shearer's all-round play is extremely under-rated on here! Some of you make it sound like he was only useful at putting the ball in the back of the net! Shearer was involved in the buildup as much as Rooney is, and played the channels as well as anyone I've ever seen (apart from his last couple of years).
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