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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Norway was utter dross, but Denmark are still a "s***" team in the grand scale of things. A little less s*** than Norway, but still s***. Benders goals yesterday were not good, and the main reason they went in was due to how well Eriksen kept playing his playmaker role setting s*** up. Also the fact the keeper is double horseshit. that defeat has really wound you up
  2. that's a fucking wankstain if i've ever seen one
  3. Quite right there. Even if there was carpet football to be played, the lad can hold his own with the ball on the deck. A fantastic talent, and some have really short memories and dicks. He went to an arsehole of a club to play for a cuntbag of a manager. Hope it ends in tears.
  4. If he can't get a game for Wigan up front, then why would you want him here? Martinez prefers a striker with 4 goals in 900 appearances! Should tell us something.
  5. Regardless if it's technically "heritage" or not, it is a beautiful sign that sits in the perfect place, and is a source of pride. Lump in the throat sort of stuff. Gets me every time.
  6. I know man! Some serious lamers in this thread pitching in with sound bytes. It's so sad, that it's funny.
  7. As much as I agree, for a business perspective why bother asking when it's pretty obvious the fan response is going to be 'don't change it!' Yes but he'll see the level of agreement/disagreement, and will at least give the fans the illusion that they have a say in things. The fans must feel that the club belongs to them, even if it's sentimentality, it's still what all fans feel toward their club the world over. With a bit of dialogue, one side may be able to convince the other of their point of view. Not asking him to consult the fans over transfers or choice of manager etc. But this is something that won't make that much of a difference to SD, but could make a huge difference to the fans, or vice versa. He should ask because a compromise could be reached that would keep both sides of the coin happy.
  8. From an aesthetic point of view, they better not use that shoddy white background for the SD logo. It better be fucking elegant and professional looking, unlike all the marketing for that godawful brand. From a supporter point of view i'm livid that the signage is being tampered with. That signage represents the raison d'etre for the whole fucking shindig! I'm all for owners exploring different avenues to make the football club a viable business, but for fuck's sake...test the waters first!! See what the supporters think!! Let them be part of the decision making for something like this! No need to flex your muscles! We know you own this club, but be a bit more sensitive, and you may get the backing to do what whatever it is you want to do!
  9. being a bit thick here, but what was Colo's number before he changed to 2?
  10. I'd have liked to have seen him up against Santon and him being kept out of the game, that'd have helped shut him up a while. SWP will no doubt start on the right. 2 players making their debut there. hope ours comes out on top. battle of the men who've hardly played, let's hope it's the younger legs that hold out. i hope we see at least one diagonal ball played to SWP in the air SWP's "experience" will stand him in good stead. But I hope there's more pressure on him to perform, being a relatively new "star" at his club, playing at home. Howaye Davide farfan culo de SWPe :colo:
  11. themanupstairs

    Joey Barton

    fwiw, i dont buy the geordie nation stuff either. just think he's not doing anything that the board aren't doing themselves to a much higher degree in terms of unsettling players Don't disagree with that, which is why with the board we have we don't need a player who apparently cares sticking his oar in too. they've made us pretty vulnerable then eh? depressing. if only the supporters were willing or able enough to stick their own oars in. I think people have gotten the impression I am sticking up for the board? I really, really am not They are a bunch of c***s and I want them gone as much as anyone. My problem isn't because Joey is slagging off my precious board, it's because he is putting the CLUB in a bad light and stirring s***. He is also having digs at new players which goes against everything he claims about loving the club, fans etc.. . I find it baffling that some can't distinguish between that, and defending the board. Seems there's a mentality of "if you're not with us, then you're against us" on here these days, and anyone not spewing vitriol at Ashley 24/7 is tarred with the "apologist" brush. Ridiculosity
  12. themanupstairs

    Joey Barton

    Building further on Daves comment here, how many signings away from finishing above us do you reckon QPR are? They have been quite the busy bees, whereas we went to bed early. Apart from Barton, at a push, I'd have none of their entire squad players, let alone their 75 new signings! It's not the quantity mate, it's the quality and you know that i'm sure.
  13. themanupstairs

    Joey Barton

    That is something we got ourselves into though, by firing Hughton, selling carroll and being absolute c***s, but thats another discussion entirely. A proper replacement for Enrique would be Cissokho, Santon at RB would give him way more goodwill from the getgo.. We'll see in time if he's a proper replacement I suppose. The fact is here was have gobshite who's twisting the truth and outright lying about a lad who's now one of our own. Yet people here are defending and even applauding that because he's using it to attack Ashley, seems some on here have totally lost sight of what's important in their Ashley rage.
  14. themanupstairs

    Joey Barton

    should i get the ball rolling? http://www.nufc.com/2011-12images/2011-08-31east-stand.jpg Isn't a new one coming up? So if this sign gets replaced with the same, is it still taking the piss?
  15. themanupstairs

    Joey Barton

    Supporting a former player (a convicted criminal no less) in mocking players who are NUFC players, and meddling in business that's no longer his own.....whatever next! Why don't some of you protest at Ashley with your feet and get over to the SOL and watch your football there? I couldn't care less about Barton, and whether he's right or wrong. I also couldn't care less about Ashley, and what he's done or is about to do. Yes he's making huge mistakes, and clearly hasn't got a clue how to keep us on his side, but there's fuck all we can do about it. As far as I'm concerned, I'll support whatever team we put out on the pitch with as much enthusiasm as I can muster, as it's all I've ever known, and will ever know.
  16. I'd have liked to have seen him up against Santon and him being kept out of the game, that'd have helped shut him up a while. SWP will no doubt start on the right. 2 players making their debut there. hope ours comes out on top.
  17. themanupstairs

    Joey Barton

    Nothing, frankly. Still important that someone does it, even if its Joey Barton. For every forumboarder who knows everything there is 15 grandma`s out there who might be interested in what Joey has to say. Why does everything have to have an impact for it to be a valid thing to say. No it wont change anything, but its a valid and accurate concern and hopefully it will wind Dekka and Ashley up. Good enough for me. Why is it important that it's said? It's not and he doesn't give two f***s about the "Geordie Nation", he is just bitter he didn't get what he wanted.
  18. themanupstairs

    Joey Barton

    Naming players the way he's done goes a step too far, regardless of "how oh so right" he is. Guess some on here have never worked in a professional environment, and don't have a clue what outside interference can do to morale. My one and only concern is that these players who are still with us remain focused on the football, and not get fidgety because some c*** who's been chucked out on his arse is s*** stirring, and creating waves in the media. yeah, ive never worked in a profesional environment. his tweets wont unsettle a team if they've got anything about them, removing the best players will. Absolute rubbish. The tweets get picked up by the media, and continue to keep the club in the news for the wrong reasons!! If you don't think media can put pressure on a football club, then you can't have been around English football for that long! edit: Plus, are his tweets going to stop the best players getting sold? (I agree with you that selling your best unsettles other players, that's obvious)
  19. themanupstairs

    Joey Barton

    Naming players the way he's done goes a step too far, regardless of "how oh so right" he is. Guess some on here have never worked in a professional environment, and don't have a clue what outside interference can do to morale. My one and only concern is that these players who are still with us remain focused on the football, and not get fidgety because some c*** who's been chucked out on his arse is s*** stirring, and creating waves in the media. yeah, ive never worked in a profesional environment. and ignore the rest of my post? should I presume you would be alright with Tiote, Coloccini, Krul and Jonas getting unsettled, and not playing for the shirt while still here?
  20. themanupstairs

    Joey Barton

    He is right tho. So what? Does he deserve a biscuit? Trawl the threads for the players he's mentioned, and you'll see how many times people have posted suspecting they would be sold this window or that. We already know this! There's no need for him to stir s***, when it will have absolutely no impact on the situation whatsoever. there is a need in his opinion though, he's been sacked off by the owners after having a very good season and doing his job. makes sense as to why he's gonna highlight that the owners aren't doing their bit in a football sense and will happily dismantle a team for financial reasons that get less pressing as time goes on. oh wow how clever! I suppose i should send him a thank you card for opening my eyes, as i had no idea our club was being run this way!
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