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Everything posted by Neil

  1. It'd make Cluedo more interesting.
  2. Neil

    Jonas Gutierrez

    Beating a man though doesn't make him a good player or should I say, doesn't necessarily gain that much of an advantage for the team.The simple fact is, at least from what I've seen, his end product simply isn't up to scratch. His contribution is meaningful but determination, drive, and beating his man now and again is useless if you can't complement that with a meaningful final touch, e.g. cross, or a shot.
  3. Did you manage to reach the centre circle on either occasion?
  4. Atletico v Villarreal about to kick off I believe. Could be tasty.
  5. http://thumbnails.hulu.com/14/95/63166_512x288_generated__wd+n4W+udE+KK2S7YKwKAg.jpg
  6. I haven't seen it, but if Bent was offside when Palacios kicked it then yeah he was in an offside position. There's a different between being in an offside position and being penalised for being offside though. Just shown it now, I was right. No, we were all right. So selfish aren't you?
  7. I think we've played pretty well today, we just can't score. We played very well against Stoke but turned off in the last few minutes. The mistake for us was not buying a more prolific striker in January. Agbonlahor is woefully out of sorts, but there is no alternative. We'll finish fifth, we just don't have the goals in us to finish fourth, I worry. We've also missed Martin Laursen. From the outside, the bold bit is the key point IMO. When you play well, good stuff. But you don't seem to have much of a Plan B if Plan A doesn't work. Granted you're playing well today and against Stoke you were robbed, but do you think that observation holds any truth? And true, Agbonlahor, seems to try his best but just isn't producing as he did in the first 15-20 games of the season. When are Bouma/Laursen back?
  8. Can't believe I didn't place that bet I was going to do, of Everton finishing above Villa back in January. If Villa lose today I can actually see it happening. Brummie, do you think a few of the players are playing with their early-season form still in their minds, i.e. "Ah I've done my bit this season, we'll get UEFA cup, sorted."? Or is that a bit too cynical?
  9. Neil


    The biggest worry IMO, would be the seemingly huge emphasis on those 3 'winnable' home games. Those teams will all be looking at those games as good chances of picking up 3 points themselves.
  10. O'Brien was 10 million? What's that got to do with it? You could say has Coloccini had 8 years in the Premiership? Argentine international? Worth 10 million isn't performing because he hasn't had 8 years experience in the Premier League? On this years evidence i would rather have Titus Bramble, not even kidding, Coloccini hasn't been any better has cost us more and im sure he is on a fair wage with good bonuses. Add to the fact he has hardly any attributes to make him a success in this league, it's not about adapting he genuinely can't cope with the speed and the psychical side of the game. I don't believe the comparison with O'Brien is fair, 10 million compared to peanuts for O'Brien and the latter was in a Champions League team believe or not He hasn't even had a season in the premiership and you're writing him off. He wasn't all that in his first season for Depor either but soon became one of their best and most consistent players. You're acting as if he's as bad as Boumsong and he's no way near. It's the Newcastle way, apparently.
  11. Everyone's allowed to be optimistic, particularly in today's climate. I'm afraid though I just can't agree with you when you say Kuyt wouldn't get near your first 11, Keane wouldn't get in before Owen or Martins, etc. It's the logic of your original comparisons that bamboozled me.
  12. After the above gem, I have to regretfully inform you I can't take any of your posts seriously. Ever. And out of all them players mentioned i was right, reina is a good keeper but no better than given, the rest of them players are the reason why liverpool wont win the league. Oh so you're talking about Liverpool's title challenge now? In that case I tend to agree that their squad isn't strong enough to win the title. It was your laughable comparisons with the Newcastle team that I was talking about.
  13. I was sure I wasn't the only one
  14. After the above gem, I have to regretfully inform you I can't take any of your posts seriously. Ever.
  15. I'm completely undecided as to whether Taylor is a complete tit, or a refreshingly honest and down-to-earth bloke.
  16. Taylor refreshingly honest saying the first half was unacceptable. Phil Brown (jokingly?) saying that keeping Ameobi quiet is testament to the defence. Hmm.
  17. Great header from a rubbish header of the ball, but what struck me was that attack came from Geremi dallying on the ball.
  18. Used to have Dyer, who for some reason specialised in f***ing running past everyone in our team.
  19. My Mackem-supporting friend was saying he doesn't think they're safe at all, they have some hard games coming up and if they play like they apparently did today, they could yet be in big trouble. You'd THINK they'll get a couple of more wins but you never know.
  20. I'm more concerned as to why there was no-one on the line. Our first-half performance just about earned the victory. Just about.
  21. Oh my word. That Pedersen dive was possibly the worst one I've ever seen. The cheeky look at the referee beforehand as well. Bravo Also, I want Fellaini's hair back. The source of his energy.
  22. Was shocking today, missed about 8 chances to score. Just today? Apart from the odd game, he seems incredibly overhyped. IMO anyway.
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