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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Same with exams, but I'd only not come if I had like 3 or 4 exams in the couple of days following the game. A Saturday of some sort would be better. Either way though I'd expect I can come. I think we should look for something like 30 roughly? 22 starting and 4 rolling subs each? Although it's good to get it sorted early, it is still waaaayyyy away so it's not imperative to get things sorted this week or owt, imo anyway
  2. The media "lolz we should win the league and deserve the best players/managers ever!!11!!" stereotype of Newcastle fans is generally garbage, but there's always a few. MON in the current situation. Good one. Almost had me there.
  3. Putting all hatred of his personality aside, it's fully deserved. Amused though by the way the media seem reluctant to accept he's simply not a midfielder. He's a forward.
  4. Neil

    Scraping the barrel

    Smith's a shame. He was aggressive but talented at Leeds, now he's just aggressive and s**te.
  5. Come on Dave, I thought you were bigger than that. Meow!
  6. Jonny, you're making the dangerous assumption that people will have actual positions. Take away 15-20 minutes and it was positional carnage last night* *avaliable for a classic "that's what she said" moment.
  7. Neil

    Obafemi Martins

    He won't be, if some people on this forum had their way
  8. Couldn't say no, really enjoyed it. Count me in Btw greg if you want a hand in sorting it, I'll help out if you want. Also if it is that date, it'd have to be very late for it not to be in daylight. Is the 23rd the day before the last set of games this season?
  9. Can see the sense in not doing it too regularly, for the reason Greg mentioned. And marky555, forgot to mention you earlier in the thread, you played some great stuff For me it was the 3rd goal that killed us, scored when we were on top. INJUSTICE!!
  10. I think that'll be too early, Nixon. Sometime around late February, obviously no dates at the moment but is that sort of period ok with people? Maybe early March.
  11. I agree with what Dave said a few pages back, might be more banter on future occasions because we'll know each other a bit better. That said, was still very enjoyable, albeit not the result the world wanted
  12. Compared to the Mourinho era, Chelsea look in disarray. Don't know what their best XI is, something Mourinho infamously did know. Could it be the Chelsea steam train of the past 5 or so years is starting to slow?
  13. It was infuriating for me too, with my defenders wandering off all over the place I don't know about your team but we all lost our shape within 10 or so minutes of the start of each half. It was carnage from then on, though overall it didn't go as badly as I thought it might! Although I am going to crack out the "we didn't have a keeper" excuse to be fair we were out played in midfield because they had two of the best players on the park in the middle, i ended up either playing centre half or centre mid for the whole game and just alternating between the two, the shape and discipline of our team was pretty much awful. if we'd had a keeper it would've been closer though, no doubt. Aye it pretty much meant we were rejigging every 5 minutes, which didn't help. And yeah, were slaughtered at times in central mid due to their midfield movement. Revenge is on the cards
  14. It was infuriating for me too, with my defenders wandering off all over the place I don't know about your team but we all lost our shape within 10 or so minutes of the start of each half. It was carnage from then on, though overall it didn't go as badly as I thought it might! Although I am going to crack out the "we didn't have a keeper" excuse
  15. I don't know why people are reading much into the whole Keegan similarities. It's different yeah, but do you really expect the media to define the differences? They'll just give a presumptuous broad comparison.
  16. NSG/BTK's readiness to play the sweeper keeper role was infuriating for us reds, given the amount of decent through balls he cut out
  17. Right oh. The club would still be running in circles if he was incharge. I just find it amazing that you come to the conclusion that you "deserve" a better manager, and thus wouldn't want Bruce. Priceless stuff, considering current circumstances.
  18. I don't like him but I seriously, seriously doubt that those quotes WEREN'T taken out of context.
  19. I think the general consensus was everyone enjoyed it - bit of a shame about the wind playing havoc at times but it was still a relatively competitive match. I thought you were canny like! In terms of sorting out another match, I'd be willing tohelp organise it, I don't think it's fair to expect Dr V, Pilko (and also let's not forget Stephen927) to do it again. It's just getting a time that suits everyone really. But I enjoyed it despite a complete lack of fitness sunday night is cool, i cant imagine it clashes with anything , for many, Was thinking along similar lines. A particular date could always rule out a couple but generally I'd imagine it's viable for most. Without taking 10 steps too many, roughly when would people be interested in doing it again?
  20. I thought you were canny like! In terms of sorting out another match, I'd be willing tohelp organise it, I don't think it's fair to expect Dr V, Pilko (and also let's not forget Stephen927) to do it again. It's just getting a time that suits everyone really. But I enjoyed it despite a complete lack of fitness
  21. fyp Good stint in goal mate despite the problem! Very good performance
  22. i think he was called neil? nah, that was the big fat guy in the red shirt,... Hoody, man. Hoody.
  23. I'm still intrigued, who was the guy in the Napoli shirt with dark hair? 3rd and 4th goals killed us. We made a good start to the 2nd half with the score at 2-1, but as soon as it went to 3-1 and then 4-1, it was too much to make up. Whenever we got to within 2 goals, they scored another within a few minutes. Good game nonetheless, well done to all who turned up
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