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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Some good news at last! good news everyone
  2. Everton under 12s are competing in a tournament tonight, I thought you lot might be interested. Watch out for Adonge Vashit, he's one for the future. Sadly, our 3 pronged attack of little Thomas, Stephen and Kyle are off home at half time as they have a Maths test tomorrow morning.
  3. The latest in a line of Fantasy Football incompetencies from me saw me take Adebayor out this weekend after he'd done nowt for ages.
  4. Not if Mcleish is involved. That's almost literally true. If there's one club I don't look forward to watching this season its Villa. There's no ambition in the way they play, they just consistently kill the game. It's a real problem when watching Wigan is more appealing than them. On a sidenote, I'm not disliking Wigan as much as I did, say, a few months ago. They're so shit they're essentially trolling the Premier League year after year. Every year we think "finally, they're pissing off" and every year they produce some results out of nowhere and stay in the league. You've got to admire the persistence in their sheer irritating nature.
  5. One of the worst halves of football I've seen this season, delivered from Aston Villa just there. Mark Bright levels of "woeful". Man City have looked good at times but it's worrying on their part why they're not ahead yet.
  6. Now Lille 4-5 Bordeaux, obviously.
  7. In a way, I'm sort of pleased this whole debacle has happened. It's helped to firmly expose Liverpool Football Club as the pathetic, arrogant institution it is. Absolutely everything we've seen and heard has been dripping in self-entitlement and a quite incredibly deluded opinion of their own importance. "You can't do this to Liverpool" despite the fact they couldn't be more in the wrong if they tried. The media is turning against their once-beloved sweethearts. Thanks Kenny, you cretin.
  8. Inter 0-1 Novara Edit: Lille 3-4 Bordeaux.
  9. Clearly going for a 1-1 prediction for your game in 2 weeks.
  10. Get in there, Heskey's starting.
  11. Haven't had a bet on the matches so far today - will do in a bit - but can't help notice some iffy results so far. Namely Espanyol getting beat 2-0 at home by bottom of the table Zaragoza. Inter 0-0 at half time vs Novara at home. Malaga 0-1 Mallorca.
  12. McCarthy to get the boot before your game?
  13. Aye. A fair amount of shit on show but it's actually making for a good game. Wolves' defending is always going to provide entertainment one way or another.
  14. Well.. he's apologised to Dalglish and Liverpool FC, so I guess that's all tidied up. Detective Homer Simpson - "and thats the end of that chapter"
  15. Ah, yes. The man who thought Liverpool should get their own TV deal because they're so big and so-called smaller clubs don't matter. It's quite unique, I must say, to have a club which is so pathetic from bottom to top. The fans, the players, the manager, those above him. All arseholes. It's something special, you have to admit. Maybe that's what they mean when we're told Liverpool FC is a unique club.
  16. Whenever I watch him he's gash like. 2 Norwich fans, 3 WBA fans, a Chelsea fan, 2 Everton fans, a Crewe fan and me all think he's shit. But apparently we're all wrong. Make that 3 - he's shit. That said, he had a good half - the goal was pretty unlucky tbf.
  17. Really, really want to go on there and do some of the easiest trolling known to man; however a) it appears they're not accepting any new users currently and b) I'd probably be banned within 2 and a half minutes, possibly for not having the name 'Kenny' put into every single sentence I write.
  18. My guess is they'll ignore their sublime fuckwittery and astounding defence of him, and scream that this apology shows what a good bloke Suarez really is. The point will be missed, they'll be ridiculed, they'll claim everyone's out to get them. Rinse and repeat.
  19. Neil


    I watched and they were massively lucky with their goal. The rest of the game Arsenal dominated but couldn't get past 11 defenders. Sunderland scoring actually worked against them as they lost their defensive focus. They're such an odd team, Sunderland. They seem to get lucky on a consistent basis yet they're still not very good.
  20. Neil

    La Liga

    Thought Barca last weekend were the poorest I've seen them for months. I know, I know they're allowed an off day or 2, and yes, they weren't full strength. But I hadn't seen so many good situations wasted by Barca in ages. Didn't look urgent and Sociedad would have gone out of that much annoyed they didn't get something.
  21. Neil

    The England Thread

    Obvious joke to follow is obvious.
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