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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Owen to bumble one in 5 minutes from time?
  2. This. The commentator isn't doing much better though, describing Ferguson as an "overlord".
  3. Best bit of the match was the Hull pen appeal in the first half: Andy Tosspot Gray proclaimed it to be a definite no-pen - when replays showed Vidic didn't actually get the ball, he retreated saying "oh well, the refs have a hard job". Twat.
  4. Seemingly it goes now that if you're slow, you're unresponsive and stupid not to act quicker, and if you're quick you're reckless, rash, disrespectful and so on.
  5. Croquet, bowls and charades. Extreme Kerplunk.
  6. Neil

    Jonas Gutierrez

    I'd love it if Spain recognised the actual existence of Mikel Arteta.
  7. Neil

    World team of the year

    And also, why the fuck is Jo not in the XI?
  8. Neil

    World team of the year

    Would it be a fair assessment to say Valdes is improving year on year? During the early-mid Rijkaard era, he seemed to make a fair few errors, and was a keeper who didn't transmit confidence. I'd say he's come on leaps and bounds.
  9. A Mackem friend tells me he's not at all unhappy: in his eyes, Turner's been dogshit.
  10. Hope this goes better than my last attempt. But aye, sure.
  11. In an AMAZING display of ARROGANCE from Newcastle fans, it was PROVEN that 92% of their ENTIRE fanbase were positive they would be promoted. Yet more UNBELIEVABLE nonchalance from this set of deluded people.
  12. was brilliant when the whole of the leazes, not just level 7, was joining in after the 2nd goal. personally i'm a big fan of "you're not very good". as far as the match goes, colo was brilliant, jose was his usual good self. brilliant ball by guthrie for the 2nd goal. and finally, half my posts on here have been slagging off Nicky Butt, but i thought he had a pretty good game today when he came on. You know why that is.
  13. I loved the "balance" bit, when he was just trotting around.
  14. Stand forward, FTTW. I hope you're Michael anyway, otherwise I'm clueless.
  15. I'm fairly sure he mowed down a dozen black cats in August.
  16. FUCK OFF ALL OF YOU! Mike: he's arriving in January, not sure when exactly. If we don't win either of our next 2 games, I'm jumping off the nearest cliff.
  17. Spot on Whats the point in playing at the top level if you dont test yourself against the top teams - thats what supporting a team is all about. You can play teams like Burnley and Wigan in the Championship every week - may as well stop there with an attitude like McCarthy's. I would rather get relegated than see Newcastle adopt that attitude How any fan would rather his team were relegated over any given reason is beyond me. What's the reason to stay up if you won't play against the other teams? Money. On which the footballing world, like it or not, revolves. The fans don't care about the money though. I think they'd care about going down. The whole thing has been blown out of proportion anyway - my point all along is that McCarthy was well within his rights to do what he did, because he saw it as a key part of his plans to achieve the ultimate objective in his eyes, which is to stay up. If this is where football is heading, I wish the "top four" would bugger off into their European Super League faster than fuck so the others can play football. I don't want it to go that way but that's where it is at the moment in my eyes.
  18. Spot on Whats the point in playing at the top level if you dont test yourself against the top teams - thats what supporting a team is all about. You can play teams like Burnley and Wigan in the Championship every week - may as well stop there with an attitude like McCarthy's. I would rather get relegated than see Newcastle adopt that attitude How any fan would rather his team were relegated over any given reason is beyond me. What's the reason to stay up if you won't play against the other teams? Money. On which the footballing world, like it or not, revolves. The fans don't care about the money though. I think they'd care about going down. The whole thing has been blown out of proportion anyway - my point all along is that McCarthy was well within his rights to do what he did, because he saw it as a key part of his plans to achieve the ultimate objective in his eyes, which is to stay up.
  19. Spot on Whats the point in playing at the top level if you dont test yourself against the top teams - thats what supporting a team is all about. You can play teams like Burnley and Wigan in the Championship every week - may as well stop there with an attitude like McCarthy's. I would rather get relegated than see Newcastle adopt that attitude How any fan would rather his team were relegated over any given reason is beyond me. What's the reason to stay up if you won't play against the other teams? Money. On which the footballing world, like it or not, revolves.
  20. Spot on Whats the point in playing at the top level if you dont test yourself against the top teams - thats what supporting a team is all about. You can play teams like Burnley and Wigan in the Championship every week - may as well stop there with an attitude like McCarthy's. I would rather get relegated than see Newcastle adopt that attitude How any fan would rather his team were relegated over any given reason is beyond me.
  21. Well done West Ham: keeps the title race very much alive. Hope Arsenal win their game in hand.
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