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Everything posted by Neil

  1. But such is the money, don't teams come up essentially just to stay up? Playing the big teams is a bonus. Of course if I was a fan, I wouldn't look at things with a level-head.
  2. Prepare for madras's assault. haha, what did i do? Posting once you've won/likely to win.
  3. Good in the tackle, like. Very few players get past him.
  4. SSN pundit in failing-to-give-decisive-opinion shocker (Paul Walsh). Replace SSN with football*
  5. Tony Hibbert Leon Osman
  6. Since when did Spurs develop a fetish for long-ball football?
  7. Alexander shockingly scores from the spot, and it's Burnley 1-1 Arsenal. Anyone else out there?
  8. David En-go makes it 1-0 Liverpool.
  9. True, saw that as more of an outside one. Fabiano was favourite at 9/1.
  10. For people who have done 'top scorer' bets before: is this good value for the World Cup? Some of the ones that caught my eye were: Villa 10/1 Torres 10/1 Nilmar 20/1
  11. http://coto2.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/dr-evil2.jpg "One... HUNDRED... pennies."
  12. I think I heard Lordy baldy bloke say FIFA will want 12 stadiums - so 3 more culled. I think that's the case, anyway.
  13. Me, I IZ MINT. Thespence seems to have had a lot of success recently.
  14. Have Fulham already qualified?? Nope - they need to win this match. Their group has worked out quite badly for them, so it's a must-win game.
  15. Apparently, Reading and Brendan Rogers have definitely parted company.
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